Will he be forgiven? JLS story

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Part 1 'will he be forgiven?'

Normal POV

"GET OUT" I screamed at the top of my lungs at the boy I thought was the love of my life... "Babe come on we can get through this please I'm sorry" Aston apologised with tears in his eyes. "YOUR SORRY! Your fucking sorry! YOU SLEPT WITH ANOTHER WOMEN! sorry is just a word Aston, it wont fix this, I loved you... I thought you were the one, I trusted you and you've just thrown it back in my face" That's right Aston Merrygold the man who I thought was the love of my life has been cheating on me with some slag! And his excuse of how it started he was drunk... "Please don't do this Jessica I do love you! Please baby I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to go this far" He pleaded, his chocolate eyes were glistening with tear, just looking into his eyes nearly make me give in, but I knew I couldn't not this time. "I can't Aston, I can't forgive you for breaking my heart. I think you should leave" We were both full on crying now, neither of us wanted it to end like this! "But I.. I love you" he whispered so i could only just about hear his voice, he grabbed my hand in his last hope of forgiveness only for me to snatch it straight out of his hold, he didn't deserve to touch me, he didn't deserve anything. "If you FUCKING loved me you would have only done it once! But no you've been at it was another woman for over a month Aston! If you really loved me you wouldn't have even looked at another women... GET OUT" I'd had enough of his games, I was done with pop star Merrygold! "Jessica p...please don't do this, I'm sorry okay I... I love you" he stuttered the more tears that fell down his beautiful face the harder it was to carry on arguing. "GET OUT... GET OUT NOW" I was now screaming in his face... I'm sure the neighbours were enjoying the show. Aston knew there was nothing he could do for me to get over this, slowly he turned on his heal and made his way to the door, this was it this was the last time I was going to see him again. 

"I'm sorry"

Astons POV

I could see in her eyes how much Id hurt her... I didn't mean to, I love her, why did I let it go on this long! I have just lost the one thing in my life I loved. I was sat in my car crying my eyes out... I knew that I couldn't get her back after everything I've just put her through. I just hope she knows how sorry I am.

Will he be forgiven? JLS storyWhere stories live. Discover now