part 26

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I walked into work with a fake smile plastered onto my face, I knew that Arthur and Marie would sense something is wrong but I just mouthed ‘later’ to them both ad they left it, look forward to that conversation... I walked straight into the meeting room where I always meet JLS. My shoes clip clopping behind me. I wandered into the room to find that only three pairs of eyes looked up at me. “Hey guys” I smiled hugging each of the boys that actually arrived this morning Marvin, JB, Oritse. “Hi babe” they all replied down my ear during the hug. “Not trying to be funny but I swear there are usually 4 members of JLS?” I smirked whilst sitting down on the spare chair across from Marv. All the boys had a bit of a chuckle over my comment. “Yep babe you can defiantly count” Reesh winked he was always quite cheeky people always see him as innocent but you should see if on a night out ;) “Yeah well Aston is trying to sort the mess he caused yesterday” Marvin sighed I didn’t know if he was referring to our date or whether Aston had mucked something else up as well. “What happened?” I questioned but I just received 3 raised eyebrows which conformed that they were talking about what happened at the zoo between me and him. “okay was just checking we were talking about the same thing” I giggled, I think I was doing quite well at hiding my feeling at the moment but I’m sure I will crack over the course of the day. “yeah, he is such an idiot sometimes” JB sighed and to be honest I did agree he needs to watch what he says or does because soon enough he will push everyone around him out of his life. “Gotta agree with you on that one” I sighed, I loved Aston I really did but I keep questioning whether he actually loves me back... I mean he says he does but if you’re not willing to do anything to back up your words then you might as well have not said them. “I nearly killed him last night when he told us what has happened, he never realises what he has until it is too late” Marvin explained he was always the sensible one of the group. “he’s so stupid babe he doesn’t deserve someone like you” JB smiled, I loved these boys I mean even though Aston is one of their best mates they are sitting here having a conversation to me about how wrong he was. They don’t choose sides they see both are views. “He won’t have me if he carries on like this” I frowned as much as I loved Aston and wanted us to be happy he has just knocked all the trust I gained for him again. We are right back to square one again.

Aston POV

“Abbie I shouldn’t have replied to your messages yesterday. I’m sorry but everything we have ever done has been a mistake. I no longer want to see or hear from you. I’m sorry but it’s for the best” I explained as she passed me my mug of hot chocolate. She frowned before replying “I knew this was coming. Aston we were good together. I thought we might actually go somewhere” she sighed as she grabbed my hand. I knew where this was going and I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop her. It’s been a month. “I’m sorry if I ever led you on” I frowned that was never my intention it was just good sex that took my mind of Jessica for a little while. “Aston you kept coming here having sex with me then telling me how amazing I am how is that not leading me on” she replied. Now I felt really bad. “I didn’t mean too” I whispered whilst linking my fingers through her which caused a small smile to play on her lips. “Guess what underwear I’m wearing today?” she whispered seductively as she moved so she was sitting on my lap. “I... don’t... know” I said in between kisses. I was so going to regret this later but I couldn’t stop myself. I was a player. “The red ones” she whispered into my ear as she started to kiss down my neck, god she’s good. I groaned. I brought her little red lacy underwear ages ago and god did it fit her perfectly. “How about we do it one more time for old times sake?” she said pulling away waiting for my answer. As much as I knew I should have said no and left I couldn’t something was drawing me into her. I could resist it. I didn’t even reply I just roughly pressed my lips on Abbies. I placed my hands on her bum lifting her up from the sofa and walked us into her room. Clothes were quickly removed and I had my first night of passion in months and it was AMAZING!

Abbies POV

I had Aston right where I wanted him in my bed and you want to know why? So I could take a picture of us together and sell it to the press. I was going to ruin his and Jessica’s relationship and maybe even his career and I didn’t even care. Jessica doesn’t deserve a man like him actually she doesn’t deserve anyone she is a cow. I have hated her since the first time she and Aston met but I kept a smile on my face and played along because I knew that my time to ruin them would come and here it is. I have waited for this dad for so long.

I pulled my phone out of my trouser pocket before slowly climbing back into bed where Aston was fast asleep, probably warn out. I leant over and pressed my lips firmly against him whilst gently climbing on top of him so it looked like we were mid way through having sex. I took a picture of me kissing Aston asleep. I wish I could see her face when she realises that her precise boyfriend cheated on her again.

I sent the picture I have just taken to Jessica along with the message. ‘Told you he didn’t love you *picture attached*’ I will look forward to her reply ;) I’ll talk to the newspapers later on when Aston has left.

who was expecting that?

I apologise to everyone who wanted Aston and Jess to get together maybe in the future ;) I will write the next part tomorrow after my work experience. thanks for reading <3>

Jessica xx

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