Part 32

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I don’t know why I text him. Last time we went out together on our own he kissed me. I loved him I really did but more as a friend than anything else. I needed to get out of the house I can’t believe after everything Aston has put me through I just slept with him! Don’t get me wrong it was amazing but I don’t want him thinking that I have forgiven him already because I haven’t. To be honest I think the only reason I actually slept with him is because I didn’t want my dream to become reality. I don’t think I could handle Aston sleeping with someone else again. Least I know he doesn’t need to go crawling back to her now because I have fulfilled his needs for a few weeks.

Any way right now I am sitting in the back of a restaurant waiting for Arthur to come so I can get everything off my chest. The only reason I text him is because I know I can trust him with my life, I mean far enough he is going to be pissed that I have slept with Aston because he loves me and not just as a friend.


Ever heard of the game seven minutes in heaven? Well I was at a house party and that’s what we were all playing. Childish I know but it’s a laugh. We have all been giving our numbers, I was five. Now just to wait and see who is my match. I know all of the lads we are playing with and they are all friends of mine so I don’t mind who I get.

All us girls had a number so it was now time to get in the cupboard ;)

“Nathan you can go first” James (it is his party) said as he handed him the hat so he could pull out a number. “Uh-4?” Nathan asked nervously. I heard a weird noise come from the girl next to me, Abbie. I bet she’s number 4 but to afraid to admit it. “I know someone is 4” James said playfully. He was a bit of a player. He loved this game being he got to do whatever he wants to do with a woman for 7 whole minutes. Abbie stood up before saying “Urm I’m 4” James smirked at Nathan who stood there blushing, personally I think he has always had a little crush on Abbie but never wanted to admit it as was scared of getting turned down. “Well go in then” James pressured as he push them into the closet and put the timer on.

7 minute later Nathan and Abbie came out both looking flustered. Bet they had fun. She came and sat back down next to me. Sending me a wink to show that she did indeed had some fun behind those closed doors. She straightened herself out before the next pair was called.

“Okay next person... uh Jason” James said whilst passing him the bag so he could pick out his number. He stood up and called out “ONE” A slutty girl stood up she looked hideous if I do say so myself she was caked in makeup and had the shortest skirt on ever. Plus I don’t think she was wearing knickers! Anyway she grabbed Jason’s shirt and dragged him into the closet. He actually looked rather scared ha.

The timer went of 7 minutes later but they didn’t come out. “Make out session not sex” James yelled whilst banging on the door. They soon came back into the basement and joined the rest of us. The slut, think her name was Anna looked rather pleased with herself whilst Jason looked a bit overwhelmed.

“Uh- Arthur, you’re up” James said as Arthur stood up and placed him hand into the hat and pulled out a number. “Five” he called out causing me to choke on the Pepsi I was drinking. The man sitting across from me called Samuel noticed me choking so decided to tell everyone. “By the way Jessica just choked on her drink, she must be number five” he explained. Prick. I nodded and got up. Me and Arthur were pushed into the closet and the door slammed closely behind us. “Guys I’m starting the timer now” Samuel teased. Everyone knew that me and Arthur were best friends I just hope this doesn’t make things awkward between us.

“Look we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to” Arthur explained whilst placing his hands on my hips whilst mine found their way around his neck. “Now that wouldn’t be fair” I mumbled as Arthurs lips brushed against my own. Soon enough we were making out... tongue and everything! Let me tell you this, sparks were flying and I could feel chills travelling down my spine. Was I starting to get feelings for my best friend? He is an amazing kisser.

“One minutes left guys” Someone yelled through the door. Arthur heard this and pulled away causing me to frown; we still had a whole minute why was he stopping now? “Jessica I need to tell you something before we leave this room. I have wanted to kiss you like that since I first met you, I love you and not just as a friend I want us to be something more”

**Flashback ended**

Arthur has arrived at the restaurant and we have just ordered our food and were now just talking. That’s what I love about me and Arthur we can talk about anything and it didn’t matter. I have had slight feeling for Arthur since the day we kissed in the closet and he knows but I never took them any further because I have always also had feeling for Ast and I didn’t think it was right to start a relationship with someone knowing you also love someone else, which Arthur understood.

He leant across the table and grabbed my hand linking our fingers together causing me to frown what is he doing? “Jessica I know you are thinking about getting back with Aston so I just need to tell you this so I can at least say I have tried. I love you Jessica much more than a friend. I want us to be something more but I understand if you don’t want to because... well... Aston is the father to your unborn child. But let me tell you this is you were to choose me you know you could trust me never to break your heart; I would never cheat on you EVER. I would look after your baby like it was my own, I know it would still see its dad but if he ever hurt its feeling I would always be there to help you pick up the pieces because that’s what you do when you’re in love Jessica, you help each other and you love each other. Yeah every relationship has its up and downs but you should never hurt each other the way Aston has hurt you it isn’t right. So what do you say? Fancy giving me a chance?” Arthur pleaded. What do I do? What do I say? Do I give him a chance? I know he will never hurt me like Aston has but... why is my life so complicated? I opened my mouth to speak just as the waiter brought our food over. Perfect timing I thought. I don’t know what I’m going to say.

We are now walking out of the restaurant after finishing our meals which Arthur paid for even thought I insisted I paid for my own. We hadn’t said anything else about Arthurs speech which I was thank full for because I don’t know what to say, do I go for the safe option (Arthur) or the risk (Aston)? I linked my arm though Arthurs as we walked towards my car stopping next to it so we could say our goodbyes. “Remember what I said” Arthur whispered into my ear whilst we were hugging. “I won’t but l give me some time to think about everything please” I smiled sweetly whilst looking him straight in the eyes. “Corse” he murmured whilst staring down from my eyes and looking at my lips. Without even thinking about it I placed my lips onto his. It wasn’t anything major just a quick peck but I knew it meant everything to him. “Thank-you for an amazing evening. I will see you tomorrow” I smiled whilst getting into my car and driving home.

I couldn’t sleep that night. I couldn’t get neither Aston nor Arthur off my mind. Who do I choose?  

Do I risk it and choose Aston?

Or do I play safe and choose Arthur?









Hey guys hope you enjoyed that part :)

What team are you guys teams Aston or team Arthur?? Let me know :)

Please don’t forget to vote it means a lot <3

Jessica xx

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