Part 17

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Date 1...

Me and Aston were currently sitting on his brown sofa eating my favourite take away a Chinese and just talking about anything and everything. "Aston can you pass me a tissue please?" I asked as I pointed to my top which I had just spilt sweet an sour chicken down. I frowned as Aston looked at me and just laughed. "Your so clumsy" he said as he leaned forward and got me a tissue of the table. "Shh" I replied whilst talking the tissue of him an cleaning up my top the best I could.

We are now sitting on the sofa watching some film that wasn't really interesting me so instead I was concentrating on the skittles I was eating... I was guessing which colour skittle I had in my mouth that's how bored I was.

The film must have been pretty close to the end when I decided to start throwing my skittles at Aston. But I only threw the green ones because they taste rank! I threw one at him which hit his ear but he just looked around and slapped his ear to make sure nothing was on it, I was trying so hard not to laugh I can't believe he didn't notice. So I did it again and again and again until eventually I threw one at his head but it landed on his lap. He looked at the skittle before looking at me, I was trying to play it cool but it didn't work I just burst out laughing. "Have you been throwing sweets at me all this time" Aston asked whilst leaning forward to pause the film he was actually clueless the whole time! "Nooooo" I said whilst trying to keep a straight face but failing as a massive grin crossed my face. "I think you have and you know what that means" he said and of corse I knew what that meant, that meant being tickled because I have always hated it so he always used to tease me with it. "NO" I said quickly jumping up of the sofa just avoiding Astons lung for me. I ran towards the kitchen so I could try and put the table between us but failed because he was faster then me so he caught me before I even reached the door. "Noooo please I don't like being tickled" I pleaded. "Say sorry for throwing sweets at my head" he said as he pouted but I knew he was only messing around. "Never" I said which caused Aston to start tickling me all over. I was squirming in his grip trying to get free but also laughing that much I was nearly in tears. "Stop stop please" I said he stopped but stayed sitting on me :( "say sorry then" he grinned we were acting like a pair of 2 year olds. "I'm sorry for throwing skittles at your perfect face" I grinned Aston just laughed at my comment but he lifted me off the floor and placed me back down onto the sofa next to him but this time we were both cuddled up in one corner. I think it's safe to say date 1 was a success.

It's really short... Sorry will try and post again later <3 thanks for reading!

Jessica xx

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