Part 28

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Charlottes POV

I knew this would happen. 'Once a cheater always a cheater' I have always stuck by that rule if only Jessica did, it would have saved her going through all this heart brake all over again. I love Jess I really do but she is too kind she should have never given Aston another chance. I had to get her through the last time he cheated, she was depressed for weeks I just hope that for all ours sake that this time is different. She is currently sitting on my sofa playing with Alfie. She is acting as if nothing has happened, she's bottling it all up inside of her. She was going to blow.

Just then I heard Alfie start to whimper. Time for a feed. "Babe I think he's hungry" Jessica shouted through. I walked into the loving room to see Jessica rocking Alfie back and forth on her hip in an attempt to calm him down. She is going to be a brilliant mum. "Pass him here" I smiled as she handed my baby Alfie back to me. I started to feed him before saying "let me go put him to bed then we are going to have a chat" I explained as I started to walk up the stairs to Alfie's bedroom.

I came back downstairs to find Jessica with her head in her hands crying her eyes out. If I ever saw Aston in the streets I was gonna thump him one for putting my best friend through all this again. I rushed to her side and pulled her into a tight hug. I just held her until she couldn't cry anymore. Aston has hurt her to the point where I don't know if she is gonna heal. He's broken her.

Marvin's POV

It's been a few hours since Jessica walked out and to be honest I don't blame her, it took so much for her to give him another chance but he has just thrown it all back in her face. I swear if we weren't in a band together I would never speak to him again. It's disgusting how he has treated her. The boys all feel the same, I have only spoke to him if I had too and that how I planned for it to stay.


I can't believe Aston has cheated on Jessica again. He is sitting in the corner of the room crying but none of us have any sympathy for him. He deserves to feel like this. He has broke her heart all over again. I'm having to hold myself back from punching him straight in the face because he deserves it.

Oritse's POV

I can't believe Aston has hurt Jessica again. She deserves so much better then him. She deserves someone who would actually treat her right. She has all of our numbers I just hope she will keep in touch with us. We all truly care about her and what Aston has done is so wrong. I'm not going to speak to him unless told to because I can't believe that he has done this.

Astons POV

The boys haven't spoken to me since Jessica left and to be honest I don't blame them. I have hurt there friend so much. I loved Jessica I really did but I think I might also love Abbie a tiny bit. I will never act on it though because she has ruined me and my life. I don't even regret going round babies that day, I regret hurting Jessica again but I will have to lie with that because I don't think I will be seeing her anytime soon. I've lost her forever and it's all my fault. The thing that hurts the most is that I know Jessica will not EVER trust me with our baby. I have lost my chance to be in my babies life and to be honest no matter how much it hurts I did deserve it.

The thing that has been playing on my mind the most though is the fact Abbie has a picture of me cheating on Jessica and if she sells that to the press I'm ruined. The boys would never speak to me again if I ruined JLS. We started this band to help Reesh's mum and if I have ruined our chances of helping her I will never forgive myself. "Boys I'm sorry" I shuttered thought the tears that have been falling down my cheeks for the past few hours. "It's not us you should be apologising too" JB said through gritted teeth. Great so they are all still pissed at me. He is right though I didn't need to be saying sorry to them I needed to be saying sorry to the girl who I have broken all over again. "Your all going to hate me even more after this but Abbie has a picture of me cheating on Jessica and its highly likely she is going to sell it to the press" I said seriously. They all suddenly became interested in what I as saying are were all currently gaping at me. "If she sells a story and ruins our career I swear we are done! I will never speak to you again" Marvin said furiously whilst JB and Reesh nodded there head agreeing with what he was saying. So in fewer words if Abbie sold a story I will lose my brothers. Why was my life so messed up?

Abbie's POV

I am now standing outside the place where our local newspapers are published. I was going to sell my story about Aston cheating on Jessica and I had proof. It will be in Tuesdays paper at the latest beings today's Sunday. I look forward to seeing JLS being ripped apart all because of Astons mistake.

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