Part 7

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I turned to face Marie with wide eyes she just shrugged her shoulders. This is it.

"Nothing" I said sternly, I wasn't ready to tell him. "Jess you have to tell him" Arthur explained. "no I'm not ready" I replied I can't tell him, he might hurt my baby like he hurt me I can't let that happen. He doesn't need to know does he? "Jess he deserves to know" Marie tried to convince me but I wasn't having any of it! "No he doesn't, I tried to tell him and he wouldn't listen, he had his chance 4 months ago" I argued, he doesn't deserve this baby after the way he treated me! "Wait what did you try to tell me?" aston asked clearly confused by this whole conversation. "Nothing" I replied quickly. "It clearly isn't nothing otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation" he replied thinking he was smart. "Jess tell him" Marie said sternly "NO" I shouted "YES" she shouted... This carried on for awhile "WILL ONE OF YOU TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" Aston suddenly screamed making everyone jump and the room went extremely quiet. "NO BECAUSE YOU DON'T DESERVE IT" I screamed back, I knew I was going to end up telling him. "TELL ME" we were now in a full on argument, all eyes were on us making sure this wasn't going to get out of control. "No" I whispered finally breaking down in tears... I'd held then back for months refusing to show anyone my feeling and now they were all coming out at once... Suddenly I felt a scorching pain in my stomach, I clutched it with both hands and falling straight to the floor in pain. "SHIT not again" I heard Arthur curse, I saw him come running up to me. "Jess look at me you need to calm down and breath" I tried I really tried to calm down but I couldn't. "Jess if you don't calm down your going to loose the baby now look at me breathe in... Out... In... Out..." I followed his commands eventually getting my breathing back to normal. This has happened to me before whenever i get to stressed i lose my breath which apparently isn't very good for my baby... "Thank-you" I whispered through the new tears that were falling down my face. Arthur helped me up but kept his arm around my waist to make sure I didn't fall over. "Your pregnant" I heard aston whisper. Shit!

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