part 25

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Date 5

Aston POV

Me and Jessica are currently on date five which is at a Zoo. Childish I know but we are having such a laugh together. I can’t wait to be able to bring our child here as a family, I saw as a family because I feel as if Jessica is starting to trust me again I mean I understand that she will always be nervous about me being around girls because of what I did but I think we are taking a step forward. “Babe what are you doing inside that cage?” Jessica giggled whilst pointing to a monkey she was so cheeky but that’s one of the things I love about her. “Excuse me I think you’ll find I’m standing right here” I laughed with her whilst wrapping my arms around her waist from behind and stroking her growing bump. I can’t wait for date 7 to be honest; I have planned something really special I just hope she loves it.  I’ve got to get through date 6 first though don’t know what I’m going to do yet though.  “But that looks so much like you” Jessica explained, I pouted against her neck, and she turned around in my grip and put her arms around my neck. She pulled my head down to her level before kissing me lightly before pulling away and hugging me tightly. “I’m only joking babe I love you really” she smiled which caused a massive grin to spread across my face I will never get used to her telling me she loved me, if you would have told me that I was going to fall in love with my best friend I would have never believed you and look at us now were having a baby. “I love you too”

We were half way around the park so we decided to sit down for some lunch. Jessica went to go get us a table whilst I ordered us some food. “Two cheese burgers and fries please” “Drinks?” “Diet cokes please mate” I smiled at the cashier as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see ‘Abbie’ flash across my screen. What did she want I thought we were going to stay away from each other... confused I opened the message to see something I didn’t expect. ‘Babe please come home. I miss you so much, I can give you so much more then Jessica can. Please baby we had something special. I have a surprise for you, if you come <3>

Me and Jessica were now sitting eating our food but I wasn’t really taking any notice of her I was smiling down at my phone I forgot how much fun Abbie is. I know I shouldn’t and I know its wrong but I kind off miss her in my life she was naughty and so much fun and the sex was AMAZING! But then on the other hand I do kind of feel bad for flirting back I’m meant to be trying to get Jessica back, that will never happen if she knows what I’m doing right now. ‘Think you can come round mine later we could have so much fun ;) <3’ 3="" :p="">

Jessica’s POV

Since Aston has came back with our food he hasn’t spoken to me at all. All he has been doing is smirking away at his phone; I know he’s texting a girl by the look on his face I just didn’t want to confront him because I didn’t want him to tell me the truth. I thought we were getting somewhere obviously not.

Aston POV

Abbie is currently in just her panties and god was I hard right now. I just wanted to be there with her but no instead I’m stuck in a zoo. I mean don’t get me wrong I do love Jessica but she just isn’t as fun as Abbie is. Omg I’m a prick I know but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her and were technically not together. ‘I’m impressed ;) *picture attached* xxxx’ I clicked on the picture to see Abbie stood there and omg was she hot.

I’m going to have to go to the toilet to sort myself out! “Babe I’m just going to the toilet” I smiled up at Jessica who had now finished her food. She just nodded her head I know she’s pissed at me for not talking to her but I can’t help it Abbie just draws me in.

Normal POV

Aston had just gone to the toilet but he left his phone. I know I shouldn’t look but I can’t help it he has been ignoring me all lunch and I want to know why. I picked up his phone and looked on his messages. ABBIE!! Well I didn’t expect that that’s for sure. I can’t believe Aston is saying all this stuff to Abbie what happened to ‘I love you Jess’ ‘I will earn your forgiveness Jess’ ‘I will never cheat again Jess’ Why do I men I always fall for turn out to be dickheads. My blood was boiling with rage I had to get out of here now otherwise I was going to smash something. I left Astons phone on the table with the messages uploaded so he knew why I left, I wanted him to know how much hurt he has caused me AGAIN!

I was now sitting at home crying my eyes out. My life sucked. I had turned my phone off after the first message from Aston. He wasn’t sorry if he was really sorry he would have told her to leave him alone but no he plays along and breaks my heart again.

I eventually cried myself to sleep dreading tomorrow. I was recording with JLS which means I have to face him.

Please don't hate me :'( thanks for reading, please vote <3>

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