Part 36

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Jessica POV

I woke up on a hard bed with a scorching pain on my stomach. I placed my hand there to find there wasn’t a bump. I looked down and I could see my feet, haven’t been able to do that in a while. What’s happening? Where my baby? I looked around to room and realised I was in a hospital and Charlotte was sitting next to my bed on a white plastic chair. “Hey” she smiled. “Hey, where’s my baby?” I questioned. Please be alright, I silently prayed. “He wouldn’t stop crying so Aston is walking around the hospital with him” she smiled. It’s alright. Wait did she just say he? I stared at her wide eyes. “I have a baby boy” I asked her. But just as she opened her mouth to reply someone else spoke. “No we have a baby boy” I turned around to see Aston standing in the door way with a baby in his hands. He walked towards me and placed our baby in my arms. He was perfect. He had Astons tanned skin, my piercing blue eyes and little bits of brown hair.

I heard the door open and close which I assumed was Charlotte leaving me and Aston with our baby alone. But then I felt the bed dip. I turned my head to see Aston climbing up beside me. “Excuse me” I smiled. “Yes?” he winked as he lay down beside me. “What do you think you’re doing on MY bed?” I said emphasising the word MY. “I want to cuddle with my baby and my girl” he stated whilst pulling me and Joshua onto his chest. I placed Joshua carefully onto Aston’s chest and put my arm over him so he wouldn’t slip off if he started fidgeting.

We laid there for what felt like hours but in reality was probably only a few minutes. “What happened to Arthur?” I questioned but I didn’t take my eyes off of my newborn. “The police have him. They need to speak to you about what happened before they can do anything” he explained before placing a small kiss on the top of my head.”Okay” I frowned. Arthur was a really good friend of mine I would have even classed him as my brother but then he did this to me! I mean me and my baby could have died. He could have killed me. If he loved me he wouldn’t have done something like this. I mean I know that he had anger issues but if he has come close enough to killing me and my child he needs help. “I don’t want him to go to prison, he just needs help” I said as I turned my head, resting my chin on his chest facing him. “He has anger issues, they just got out of control” I explained, he had only told me about his problems, he has never trusted anyone else. “Okay baby, we will just wait for the police to speak to you” he said as he started stroking my back to calm me down. He always knew.

Just then Joshua started fidgeting and crying on Aston’s chest. “Aww baby” I smiled as I sat up pulling him into my chest. Aston sat up as well wrapping his arms around us and kissed Joshua’s head whilst he was in my arms. “Afternoon Mrs Lyons, by the racket he’s making I think it’s time for his first feed” a nurse said as she entered our room. “I agree” I giggled whilst rocking our baby back and fourth in my arms to try and calm down a little. Didn’t work. “Do you want Mr Merrygold to stay?” she asked politely. I turned and looked at him. I knew that he didn’t really mind either way but not being funny its nothing he hasn’t seen before. “Yeah” I smiled.

“Your going to have to stay here tonight with Joshua because we need to monitor his breathing” A doctor that had recently entered the room said. I hated hospitals and now I have to stay in one overnight without Aston. I think Aston realised how scared I was to stay here on my own. “You have until 7 o’clock Mr Merrygold” the doctor explained and then he left. “I don’t want to stay here on my own” I whimpered. I knew that he couldn’t stay no matter what I said. “You won’t be on your own. You have Joshua and I will be here before you wake up I promise” he said as he pulled my head towards his and placed a lingering kiss on my lips. “Okay” I frowned. “Come here” he said as he pulled me back onto his chest. Joshua was asleep in the little cot that the hospital supplied us. “I’ll stay here with you until you fall asleep” he whispered into my hair before placing a kiss on top on my head. Then I fell asleep.

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