Part 38

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*day after*   

Me and Joshua have finally been discharged from hospital after what felt like months but in reality was only 3 days. We are now sitting in Aston’s car going back to my apartment so we can pack up everything I need and bring it with us to Aston’s. My new home. I lived in there before Aston cheated so I know where everything is and I won’t be shy to do anything because I have always thought about that place as my home, the apartment was just a temporary place for me to stay until I found something nicer where I could stay forever and know I guess that place is Aston’s. I’m not too sure where Joshua is going to sleep, I like to think that Aston at least got him a cot beings no matter what happened between us I would never stop him from seeing Joshua. Everyone deserves to have their father in their life and I was never going to take that opportunity away from my own child. (Don’t take offense if your dad isn’t around)

We were now walking up to my house and to be honest I had got Joshua a cot but other than that I didn’t have any room for a full nursery so he was going to sleep at the end of my single bed but now beings Aston’s house is a mansion he will be able to have his own room.  “What do I need to bring?” I questioned whilst reaching for the suitcase that was placed on top of my wardrobe. Pulling it down and placing it on my bed I span around to face Aston waiting for an answer. “Well beings you haven’t got much stuff you might as well bring everything you need then give your keys to the landlord so we don’t have to come back” he said as he walked towards me placing his arms around my waist whilst my instantly slivered around his neck slowly stocking the baby hairs at the top  of his neck. “Are you sure you want us moving in with you? I mean you work like all day and if we move in you won’t get any sleep and—“I said but I never actually got to finish my sentence because Aston crushed his lips onto mine. “Now you’ve stopped talking” he giggled. “Of course I want you to move in with me, we have a child together and this way I get to spend more time with my baby and my girl” he stated. Even if he didn’t want us moving in with his he wasn’t showing it he looked genially happy to be getting us back. “Okay, thank-you, now help me pack”

An hour later and the car was packed full of all mine and Joshua’s stuff and we were now back in Aston’s car heading towards our house. It was going to take a hell of a lot of getting used to being able to say ‘our house’ again. My mind started drifting to me and Aston and how far we have come and what the future will hold for us. Will we get married? Will we have more kids? Will we break up? What will happen to us? I hoped we were still together and actually I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, marriage more children the whole lot because I loved him and deep down I knew I always would. Though thick and thin.

“Baby, come upstairs, I’ve got a surprise for you” Aston smiled grabbing Joshua’s car seat and walking up stairs. I was intrigued as to what Aston was talking about so I followed him up the stairs. Once in the hallway I couldn’t see Aston so I didn’t know where I was supposed to be going. I assumed that because this was Aston that this was some sort game and I had to find him. I began working my way down the corridor opening the doors as I went but I couldn’t find him. So far I had been in the bathroom, Aston’s bedroom, and 2 spare rooms and there was only one room left ad even though I had lived here for 3 years I couldn’t remember what was behind that door. I thought it was another spare room but then what would the surprise be? I guess there’s only one way to find out. Here goes nothing.

I slowly opened the last door. My mouth hung wide open. It was perfect. Aston was sat in the corner on a rocking chair with Joshua in his arms. When did he have time to do this? I loved it. I walked into the middle and spun around staring intently at every final detail of the nursery Aston had made for Joshua. Yes a nursery. He had taken the times to do all this for us. It was perfect. Three of the walls where a light brown with a few pictures of us on them and then there was one cream wall. The feature wall. It was so cute. It had a tree in the middle with animals around the outside. It had a monkey on the tree and at the bottom there was a elephant, giraffe, lion and a zebra (see picture). “When did you do this?” I asked still gazing around the room. “I have been sorting it out since I knew you were pregnant, the boys helped me get it finished for when you came home” he explained. It made my heart melt when he said ‘for when you came home’ that just showed me that he never really thought I was gone, I was always here with him one way or another. “Do you like it?” He asked as he put Joshua in his little cot then coming up to me and placing his arms around my waist and burying his face into my neck. “I love it” I smiled at him. “I love you” He smiled whilst grabbing my hand and pulling me out of Joshua’s room and into his. “I love you more”

Heya guys! i got 14 votes on the last part!!!! WHOOP thank-you :)

10 votes and i will post again when i get home from school tomorrow,

comment whether you want me to carry this on for a few parts or whether the next part should be an epolioge :)

Thanks for reading and voting <3

Jessica xxx

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