Part 20

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Date 3...

I had just finished work at the studio to find Aston waiting outside standing by his car waving me over to him. "Hey babe" he smiled moving forward and pulling me Into a tight hug and kissing me on the cheek. "Hey" I smiled totally confused as to why he was here beings the JLS boys had the day of from recording today. "I'm here to take you on date three" he explained clearly noticing the confused look I was carrying. The first two dates were a complete success and to be honest I don't know how he can too them but I'm sure he will find away I mean it is Aston fricking Merrygold. "Where we going?" I asked intrigued there was no point me guessing because I knew it would be something amazing that I would never think of. "Surprise" he smiled cheekily he knew how much I hated surprises, they irritate me I would much rather just know what it was.

We had now been sitting in Astons car for about an hour and I had no idea where we were but then again I have never been good with places. "Babe please tell me where were going?" I pouted I didn't like not knowing! "Nope" he replied. He was finding this whole situation rather amusing because he knew I was getting annoyed. "Bitch" I muttered under my breath causing Aston to burst out laughing I kept a straight face for as long as possible but I'm sure his laugh was contagious. "We're nearly there, five minutes tops" he explained causing me to huff but turn to look out of the window to try and guess where I was going but it was no use.

"No way" I said as Aston pulled into a massive field to see a hot air balloon smack bang in the middle. My face just burst into a massive smile I have always wanted to go in a hot air balloon but never had the time or money to do it and with Aston always on tour or at the studios he wouldn't do it with me. "Are we going I that?" I asked as we stepped out of the now parked car. Aston walked towards me before wrapping his arms around my waist before nodding his head. I squealed with delight before jumping on his. I wrapped my legs around his waist shouting "thank-you thank-you thank-you" Aston just laughed at my reaction clearly not expecting it. I jumped down from his and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down to my level before giving him a sweet thank you kiss. "I going to do things like this more often if that's how I'm going to get repaid" he winked but only to receive a soft hit to his stomach for his cheekiness. "Let's go" he laughed.

We had been on the hot air balloon for almost 10 minutes and I was enjoying every second of it. "Thank-you Ast" I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissing my neck. "Babe stop saying thank-you" he laughed and to be honest he was right that was probably the only thing I had said since I found out this was our third date and the most perfect one yet. "But this is amazing" I smiled turning around in his grip so I was now facing him. He just smiled back at me as his reply before pulling me into a passionate kiss which ended much to soon if I do say so myself. We both pulled away breathless from the kiss we had just shared. "I love you" he grinned. "I love you too"

I was standing in the basket looking over the edge down at all the buildings underneath us it was fascinating it see how many people actually had swimming pools in there gardens. I was counting them on my fingers when Aston spoke from behind me. "What are you doing?" He asked clearly intrigued as to what was keeping me quiet. "I'm counting how many people have swimming pools in there gardens" I said without looking at him because I would loose count, I was such a child. A few more minutes passed before Aston interrupted my fun again. "Babe come sit down here" he said whilst patting the space between his legs. I left the side of the basket and sat where he had recently pointed to and cuddled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me further into him. When we were comfy we fell into a comfortable silence; we were just enjoying each others company. "How have the dates been so far" Aston said in my ear. I just smiled thinking about the past dates. "They've been amazing thank-you" I replied turning my head to look at him and kissing him on the cheek causing massive grin to cover his face. "As much as I hate o say it it's time to land" Aston explained."do you know how to land this" I asked quite concerned for my well fare. "Of corse not" he laughed looking at my face, my jaw was nearly on the floor you would have thought he would have learnt how to land it. "Babe we will be fine" he explained before kissing me on the cheek.

Aston and myself were now standing outside my flats door. We survived the landing if you hadn't notice, it was bumpy and the basket tipped over but were alive. "I will see you tomorrow babe" Aston said before leaning forward and giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. Before turning around and walking back down the stair. Well it's safe to say that as the best date yet!

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