Part 15

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"Look Jess" he said as he looked at our hands. "They fit perfectly together. We were made for each other. I love you Jess and I know you love me so please give me a chance to fix this mess" he said we were both now crying. We did both love each other but could I really trust him or would he just break my heart all over again?

"Seven" I said once we had sat down on his brown leather sofa. "What?" He said poor Aston looked seriously confused. "Seven" I said slightly louder so he could hear me. "Yeah I heard you the first time... What about seven?" He said still confused. And To be honest so was I, i was slightly confused myself I should have just forgiven him but me being my stubborn self I couldn't I had to make it complicated for everyone. "My lucky number is seven" I explained which is true I didn't have a reason for it i mean i don't even like odd numbers they annoy me but since I was younger I have just liked the number seven. "I know I was dating you for 4 years" he said clearly getting frustrated that he doesn't know what I'm talking about. "Well how about we have to go on seven dates and if I Don't trust you after that then we obviously aren't meant to be" I explained fully. This was really for my benefit so I would know if I could trust him because I knew that if I didn't trust him then there would be no point dating him as I would always be cautious as to where he was or who he was with. "Okay..." He said reluctantly. "Seriously think about it, if I can't trust you then there isn't any point in starting a relationship because it won't last. So this is sort of a way for us to know whether we can date each other again. If after these 7 dates I know I can trust you then we can start to go back to the way we were because your right I love you and you love me so why not do something about it" I explained fully whilst aston just stared at me trying to take all this information in. He kept opening his mouth to say something but he either couldn't get his words out or just decided against saying it because he just kept closing it again. It was a good few minutes before he actually replied. "Okay" he said I just laughed which caused him to raise his eyebrows at me again. "It took you that long to just say okay" I giggled when he realised why I was laughing he just smiled at me. After a while of me laughing and struggling to calm myself down I was suddenly tackled down onto the sofa which caused me to squeal. "Jessica are you laughing at me?" Aston smiled from above me. "Maybe a little bit" I replied smiling innocently He pouted at me which just set me off on another laughing fit. He looked so cute when he pouted it just made me giggle. "You know if all these dates are out for a meal I might not trust you ever again" I said cheekily knowing he wouldn't anyway. "Excuse me I'm not that boring" he frowned. I just squeezed his cheeks together which caused him to smile at me. "I love you" I smiled. He lent down and pecked my lips before saying "I love you too"

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