Part 16

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Part 16.

I was woke up by someone knocking at the door, urgh I thought. I slid myself out from the warmth of my covers to go and answer the door. I opened the door to be greater by a grumpy looking man holding out some beautiful red roses... My favourite. "Jessica Lyons" he said I just nodded my head because to be honest I was still half asleep. He handed me the flowers and left. "Thank-you" I shouted down after him but he just ignored me. I put the flowers down on my kitchen table and started to look for a label too tell me who they are from although I had idea. 'I will love you until the last flower dies Axx' I smiled when reading it because I knew that somewhere amongst all these flowers would be one fake rose that will never die, how cheesy is he? I got out a pretty vase to hold my flowers and started to get ready for work.


I got into work and walked straight to my office, sat down and started checking my emails before there was a knock at the door. "Come in" I shouted to the person on the other side of the door. The door creaked open and in came Marie. "Hello" she smiled. "JLS are here to start recoding" she said before leaving. I picked up my bag and walked out of my office and towards the lobby where the boys should be waiting. As I stepped round the corner Arthur shouted my name from behind the reception desk, I smiled before turning to face him. "John on the phone" he laughed, John was Arthur's friend who I got introduced to at a clue a few months back and since then we have been really close. "Omg throw me the phone" I smiled, Johns wife was pregnant and was a few days off her due date therefore she could pop at any time and I have always said as soon as she had their baby he had to phone me. Arthur stood up from his desk and literally threw my phone at me... Luckily for him I'm good at catching but unfortunately he was rubbish at throwing. I caught it before shouting "learn to throw" then laughing at him. I kept on walking towards the lobby whilst on the phone to John.



J- Charlottes in hospital

M- what! Why? What's happened?

J- she got a pain in her stomach so I brought her in

M- omg is she alright?

By now I was standing I front of the JLS boys so I just waved my hand indicating for the to follow me through to the studio but I stayed on the phone talking to John to see it he knew anything.

J- no they won't tell me anything.

M- she's at the best place

J- yeah I know.

M- I'm sorry John but I have to go I'm in the studio

J- okay sorry for interrupting

M- it's fine let me know what happens

J- okay bye Jess

M- bye hun

I hung up and just sat in the chair that was behind me. "Is everything alright?" Marvin asked clearly concerned because I hadn't said anything since I came of the phone. "Yeah everything fine lets get on with recording" I said whilst plastering a fake smile onto my face. Charlotte was my best friend she helped me through everything that happened with Aston and I don't know what I would have done without her, I just hoped she was alright.

Astons POV

Everything anyone's phone made a noise Jess would shoot out of her seat and reach for her phone but was always upset when she realised it wasn't hers that went off. I kept on wondering who John was but didn't want to ask because Jess looked really upset. I made it my mission to make her smile, a real smile! "Did you get any flowers this morning?" I winked at Jess which just made her giggle... I loved the sound of her laugh. "Omg yes they were beautiful thank-you" she smiled before standing up and walking up to me and giving me a hug but she never pulled away but I didn't push her because I knew she needed comfort for whatever was going on. I started to feel her crying on my shoulder but didn't get a chance to ask her why because a phone went if and this time it was Jess'

Jess' POV

I pushed myself of off Astons shoulder and ran toward my phone seeing it was John I didn't even think twice about answering it.


M- omg I'm so happy for you

J- Charlotte wants you to come up the hospital to see him

M- okay I will come after work

J- okay I gotta go

M- bye

I hung up. I had a massive smile on my face. I can't believe I was so worried and now my best friend has a baby boy.

A few more hours passed of me and the boys working in the studios and making good progress with the new track. "Do you want to go on date one tonight?" Aston asked as we we leaving the studio. I smiled before replying "okay but can you take me to the hospital first?" I asked which caused aston to have a panic attack. "What? Why? Is the baby okay?" He asked before touching my bump. "Babe calm down were both fine. My best friend had her baby this morning and I promised I would go see her" I explained you could see the relief on Astons face. "Okay i think date number one will just be a movie night" he said which I was relieved because I just wanted to relax if I'm being honest.

We soon arrived at the hospital and walked straight into charlottes room. "Heya babe" I smiled she looked exhausted... I still had all this to come. After having a hold of baby Alfie we were now on our way back to Astons for date number one.

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