Part 23

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Few minutes or hours later I don’t know...

I felt myself being lifted up by a pair of strong muscular arms. I wasn’t ready to wake up so I just snuggled into the man’s chest and kept my eyes closed in hope I could just fall back to sleep.  It wasn’t until I breathed in the man’s sent that I realised it was Aston who was carrying me. I then remembered the days recent events of when I told Aston what had been worrying me and his long speech to make me believe that he wouldn’t cheat and to be honest it was a pretty good speech but did it work? But I must admit it did help with my trust issues with him because it made me realise that he does actually love me, the though made me smile. “Babe I know your awake because you keep smiling” Aston whispered into my ear. I could sense his smirk. I may have been awake but I have no intention of getting out of his arms to walk to my room. But then I remembered that was pregnant and must weigh as much as a whale. The thought made me bolt straight out of Aston arms onto the floor. I couldn’t let him carry me what about if he thought I was fat? I don’t want the man I love to think I’m fat. I frowned at the thought. “Babe what’s the matter? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you move so quickly” His voice was now filled with concern but I didn’t really want to tell him the truth. “Nothing” I said whilst yawning before walking the little distance that was left to get into my room. I noticed the frown on his face; he knew I wasn’t telling him something. I opened my top draw and pulled out my favourite pair of PJ’s before walking into the bathroom to get changed. Once I had done what I needed to do I stood in the bathroom on my own studying myself in the mirror, thinking, thinking about everything that has happened in my life. I could write a book that is how eventful my life is. I left the bathroom with many thought surrounding my mind... why was my life so confusing?

I nearly screamed in shock when I saw a figure standing next to the bathroom door. But was soon relieved when I realised it was Aston but he was only wearing his boxers what’s he doing now? “Shit Aston! What are you doing?” I asked whilst trying to get my breathing back. I soon recovered so I walked over to my bed and slipped under the covers and got myself comfy. “I’m staying here tonight” he smirked which caused me to raise my eyebrows. Did I ever say you could stay? I thought NO. I just huffed I can’t be bothered to argue I’m too tired. “Plus I don’t have work tomorrow and neither do you so we can go on date number 4 and you need to tell me why you leaped out of my arms earlier” he explained. I felt the bed dip so I turned around to see Aston climbing into bed beside me. “What are you doing?” I asked alarmed. I thought he was going to stay on the sofa no in MY bed. We weren’t a couple at the moment we were just friends. “Getting into bed with my girlfriend” he said raising his eye brows at me like I was mad. I think my jaw literally touched the floor when he said that... girlfriend? “I’m not your girlfriend” I murmured which caused Aston to frown at me. But then a flirty smile crossed his face and I knew he was up to something. “if you aren’t my girlfriend I wouldn’t be able to do this” he said whilst leaning his body closer to mine and slowly edging his face closer to mine before placing his lips onto mine in an agonisingly slow but passionate kiss. “or this”  he said against my lips before placing his hand on my hip and slowly stoking it. But then I felt his fingers catch the bottom of my shirt and slowly raised it up my stomach, stroking my side as he goes. He never went any further then this because he knew I wouldn’t want to, which I was grateful for. I don’t know how long his torture went on for before he reluctantly pulled away from me and rolling back onto his side of the bed but pulling me with him so I my head was resting comfortable against his chest. He began to stroke my hair which made a shiver force its way down my spine. “Your my girlfriend” he stated which caused me to smile.

After a while of us sitting like this he finally asked me what was wrong. “Babe you going to tell me what’s wrong?” Aston asked his voice full of concern. I could tell he really wanted to know so he could help me. I shaked me head because it was stupid, but I hated the fact that I’m going to get heavier and fatter. H sighed before sliding down in the bed so we were now face to face. We just laid there staring into each other’s eyes. I could tell how hurt he was that I wasn’t telling him anything but in my defence I still didn’t fully trust him but can you blame me? I raised my hand from under the bed covers and placed it onto his face and began to slowly stroke his face. I knew he had always loved me doing it. A massive smile covered his face. “Please tell me what’s wrong... I want to help” he pleaded; he even gave me the puppy dog eyes! I pulled away from him which caused him to pout. I laid on my back on my half of the bed before whispering “I’m fat” and then I placed my arm over my eyes so I couldn’t see his reaction although I knew he would think I was mad but men don’t understand what women have to go through. “Baby look at me” Aston sighed as he reached over to try and pull my arm away from my face which he succeeded in doing. Before he actually replied he pulled me back onto his chest and slowly started to stroke my hair again. I visibly relaxed in his arms every time he does this... it makes me feel safe. “You’re not fat you pregnant” he whispered into my ear. Not helping I thought before sighing to myself. “Fat” I whispered back. This caused him to smirk he knew how stubborn I was and no matter what he said I was always going to think I was fat but he tried anyway. “Baby girl you are not fat you have a beautiful human being growing inside of you. Okay? I don’t want to hear about you getting yourself down because you think you’re fat when you’re not okay your beautiful inside and out” he explained but mid way thought another one of Astons long speeches *yawn* one of his hands slipped under the cover and began to stroke my growing baby bump. I guess he was right no matter what I am going to get bigger and as long as everyone knows I’m pregnant then they won’t think I’m fat right? “Okay?” he said before placing two fingers under my chin and pulling my face up so I was facing him. I sighed before reluctantly nodding. I rested my head back on his chest... I swear he was comfier then a pillow! “Sleep baby we have a long day tomorrow” he said although I could sense his smile whilst he thought about whatever he had planned. I didn’t have time to reply before I fell into a well needed sleep thinking about the days ahead.

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