Part 29

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Aston POV

It was late afternoon on Monday and me and the boys have just finished at the studio. Jessica hasn't came in today because she obviously didn't want to face me. Arthur took our studio slot and actually helped us a lot but he has been sending me daggers all day. He hates me along with all my mates. The lads haven't spoken to me unless needed which made me feel like shit they were like brothers to me and all because of a few stupid mistakes I might have actually lost them.

I walked out of the studio to find that for once there wasn't any fans standing outside waiting for us to finish. Strange I thought myself. There is usually at least 10 people waiting for us so they can have pictures but today there was none... The only person outside was one pap who I decided I would ignore because to be honest I wasn't really in the mood to have to deal with him.

I got half way to my car, flashes from the camera following close behind me the whole time. I went to open my car door when I heard. "Did you really cheat on Jessica?" The man asked inicentally, I knew it was an act he just wanted a good story for tomorrow's newspapers but how did he know about Abbie? "What?" I stuttered. "Have you not seen today's papers?" I didn't even reply to him I just got it my car and speeded down the street to the nearest shop. I had tears flowing down my face. If she has sold a story I'm finished. The boys will never speak to me again. The fans will be pissed at me. Our management will kill me but the thing that worried me the most is that Jessica would get stalked by the paps and I knew that if she got too stressed she could loose the baby. I walked into the shop to be faced with my worse nightmare, the picture was on the front page of every magazine. 'Aston Merrygold cheated again' and 'Jessica left heartbroken when Aston Merrygold cheats on her' and 'pregnant Jessica broken' I bought one of every magazine I could find before running back to my car. She had sold a story. And for once it was all the truth but that didn't help my situation at all. It clicked there were no fans outside the studio earlier because they all hate me. I have ruined not only my life but the lads career as well.

I was reading one of the articles when my phone buzzed. It read 'Management' I was about to get an ear full.

M-management                                    A-Aston


A- I...I...I 


A- I'm sorry 


A- what do I do? 

M- get back here NOW

He hissed before hanging up. My life had just gotten a whole lot worse then I originally thought.

i arrived back to the studio and walked straight into the meeting room to see Reesh crying in the corner with Marvin trying to comfort him and JB, well JB just looked full on pissed off. i just hope that i haaent ruined JLS because this was everything to me and the lads and i will never be able to forgive myself id i have ruined it for us all.

Heyya sorry this is rubbish :( thanks for reading please vote.. i will try and post again tonight <3>

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