Part 27

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I was having my usual banter with the boys whilst we waited for Aston to come so we could finish recording. This was my last session with JLS but I will keep in contact this time, I have missed these boys. I don't know what I'm going to do about Aston though... Think I will just speak to him after work today and see what he has to say for himself. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I excused myself from our conversation so I didn't seem rude. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket to see it was from Abbie. Did I want to know what this was about? Probably Aston. I wanted to know what was happening as to why he was so late so I opened the message. It read 'I told you he didn't love you *picture attached*' I was confused to what she was going on about... He did love me right? Stupidly I open the picture but I instantly dropped to my knees in tears. The picture was of Abbie and Aston in bed together. Why does he do this to me? I loved him. What did I ever do to him to deserve this? "Babe what happened?" Marvin asked as all the boys rushed over to comfort me. "A..ston" I shuttered through my tears. Why couldn't he be loyal? "What has he done?" Marvin asked through gritted teeth. The boys were losing patients with that man. He was going to end up ruining there career. "My phone" I whispered whilst hiding my head In Marvin chest. I didn't want to see that picture ever again but I just couldn't get it off my mind. The man I loved has broken my heart AGAIN! "I'm gonna kill him" JB whispered whilst staring at my phone with his mouth wide open.

I was now sitting on Marvin's lap crying my eyes out. The boys have even shed a few tears. They keep telling me that everything was going to be alright. I didn't believe them. I don't ever want to see Aston again. He will not be a part of mine or my baby's life. I have officially given up with him. I'm done with him. I had told Arthur everything that had happened and to say he was pissed off is an understatement. I don't know what to say. I mean the man I loved has cheated on me again. I deserve better then him.

Just as I was starting to stop the tears from falling down my face Aston walked in. This is going to be fun. He face dropped as soon as he saw me cuddled into Marvin's chest crying my eyes out. I lent further into Marvs chest I didn't want him near me. "It's okay he won't come near you" Marvin whispered into my ear.

Aston POV

Okay so maybe I shouldn't have slept with Abbie again but I couldn't resist. And now I have to face Jessica and the boys. There is no way I'm going to tell them what I had just done they would actually kill me. I walked into the meeting room where we all usually meet to see Jessica cuddled up on Marvin's lap crying her eyes out. Everyone looked pissed. What's happened? Before I could even ask Arthur ran across the room and smacked me straight in the nose. "Shit" I hissed he could punch hard. No one was even stopping him they all just watched him hit me. Now I was seriously confused. "What was that for?" I groaned. I think he has just broke my nose. "That was for cheating on Jessica again and this is for making her cry" he said as he punched me straight in my stomach. I groaned. "What? How did you?" I stuttered how did they all now I slept with Abbie. Shit I'm in trouble now. "She sent a picture of you two in bed to Jessica" Reesh hissed in my face. Great everyone was pissed at me. I don't think I can take another punch. I looked up to see Jessica still cuddled Into Marvs chest crying her eyes out, he was trying to comfort her but she just wouldn't stop crying, what have I done?! I started walking to where they were sitting but was stopped as JB stood in front of me blocking my way. "Don't go near her" he hissed. I had to try and fix my mess again. "It's alright" Jessica whispered whilst climbing up off Marvin's lap and walking up to me. All the boys were standing behind her backing her up. "Jessica baby I'm sorry" I shuttered through my tears. I can't loose her she means everything to me. I took a step forward and went to grab her hand but she instantly tensed and ripped it out of my grip. "Don't touch me" she frowned. I've lost her forever!

Normal POV

"Don't touch me" I frowned as Aston learnt forward to grab my hand. I wasn't letting this man anywhere near me or my baby ever again. Aston took a step back knowing full well that he had fucked everything up. "Baby please I'm sorry" Aston said whilst looking straight into my eyes. I slapped him straight round the face. He isn't sorry. If he was sorry he would have done it again. I hated this man actually I despised him. He was clutching his cheek in pain. I knew how to slap. "No your not! You said sorry the first time you did it but look you've done it again. I don't want you anywhere near me or my baby again. I gave you your chance and you ruined it. I never want to see you again" I shouted through the newly formed tears that were rolling down my smooth cheeks. This man had ruined my life. I wish I never met him. "Baby please" Aston whispered in his last attempt of forgiveness but I wasn't having any of it. "NO Aston I wish I never met you" I hissed. He looked shocked at my statement to say the least. I walked out of the meeting room with tears running down my cheeks. That was the last time I planned on seeing Aston Merrygold again.

Aston POV

well done Aston! You have ruined your relationship all over again but this time forever. Jessica will never take me back after this and to be honest I don't blame her. I don't even know why I did it again. I knew that it was going to end up like this.

Hang on! Abbie has a picture of me in bed with her whilst I was in a relationship with my pregnant girlfriend. What if she sells it to the press?! My whole career would be finished!

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