Part 19

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We have just sat down on the back row at the cinema. I don't know what film it is but I can only assume it was a romance because well I'm with Aston. We sat down but pulled the arm rest up so we could cuddle up in the back. It was cute I can't even remember the last time I came to the cinema with Aston beings he's from JLS it was never safe. The film started and I could feel Aston hand start to stroke up and down my waist. I looked at him to see him grinning at me. I lent up and whispered in his ear "stop it its distractng me" I said but as I pulled away I could sense Aston smirking at me. I cuddled further into his side and got comfy and throughout the rest of the film Aston had stopped stroking my side but kept his hand there, it felt like old times. I missed us being like this. We were acting like a proper loved up couple.

The film was soon coming to an end and it was defiantly a romance but a sad romance beings I was in tears but I didn't want Aston to see because he would take the piss. "I'm just going to the toilet" I said before getting up from my seat and scurrying towards the loo. After doing what I need to do and re doing my make up I walked out fiddling with my phone texting Charlotte to see how she was beings I hadn't seen her since she gave birth to baby Alfie. She said she was doing fine but wasn't getting much sleep. I sighed I had all this to come and with Aston trying to crack America I was going to have to do it alone.

"Babe you alright? You left really quick" Aston said as he ran up to me and hugging me tight. "Sad film" I pouted "but I fine" I said hoping he would just move on from the subject. I tried to get out of his grip and head to the door but he kept hold of me. "No your not what's the matter" he frowned clearly concerned Bout what was bothering me. "What am I going todo when you go to America or on tour?" I said without making eye contact with him because I knew it would set off my tears again. "Babe is that what's been bothering you? We're not planning on cracking America till next year. And as for when I go on tour you can come see me at some of the dates and I will only be a phone call away" he smiled before drying my tears and lightly pecking me on the lips. "Besides we still have 5 more dates to get through before we even think about that" he explained which was true but to be honest I had a feeling I would be forgiving him no matter what these next dates were like. "You okay now?" He smiled taking hold of my hands and intwining his fingers with mine. I nodded my head and smiled up at him before we walked out of the cinema and headed home.

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