Part 4

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Fanfic (part 4)



Marie came running in to make sure me and the baby was alright because she heard the smash of cups. "Jess are you alright?" You could almost taste fear in her voice. "I'm fine just dropped the tray" I explained, putting on a fake smile that I knew Marie would be able to see through. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. "I will be right back" I smiled to Thomas the boys manager, he just laughed. "Arthur can you clean the mess up in the meeting room please" "corse" Arthur was the receptionist but was happy to help with anything all you had to do was ask him. "Why did you drop the tray? And don't you dare lie to me" Marie could be proper serious when she wanted to be it was hard not to laugh in her face. "One of the boys in there is the baby's father" I whispered to make sure Marie was the only person that heard. "WHAT?!" Marie screamed causing the whole office to stare at us. "Shhh" I said causing her to realise what she just did. I linked my fingers through hers and dragged her back into the meeting room with me, if I had to face him I certainly wasn't doing it alone. "What are you doing?" Marie asked once we were standing outside the meeting rooms entrance. "If I have to face him your coming with me" I opened the door to see that the mess that was caused by me dropping the cups on the floor was all cleared up "thanks Arthur" "your welcome" he was so sweet the whole office had fell for his charm. "Remember he doesn't know" I turned and said to Marie. "Doesn't know what" Marvin asked just then I realise where I was. "Shit" I muttered under my breath causing Marie to laugh, I shot her death glares which caused her to shut up straight away. "Nothing" I smiled sweetly "nice to see you again marv" I said walking towards him and giving him a massive hug! Obviously I knew the boys from when I had been dating Aston and they all respected my decision to leave Aston. "Oritsé" I smiled hugging him next "Jess how are you darling" he asked sweetly "I'm good thanks" next was JB I gave him a good squeeze before pulling away and looking at Aston "Heya" he smiled shyly, I didn't really want to hug him because of our past so I just didn't say anything. I turned my head to face Marie who had her eyebrows raised you just have her the nod and she knew that Aston was the father of my unborn child. But the question is do I tell him?

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