Part 37

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Aston kept his promise. When I woke up he was sitting by my side cradling a sleeping Joshua. I got up with him about 4 times last night so I was pleased when Aston turned up to keep him occupied whilst I got an extra few hours sleep. I knew once we left the hospital I wouldn’t be getting any sleep because me and Aston didn’t live together so I would have to get up with him every time he cried. I think me and Aston are finally getting somewhere, we both love each other and want to be a family. Me, Aston and Joshua were all I needed. For the time being anyway... If me and Aston carry on the way we are I don’t see why we won’t be having any more mini Merrygold’s running around.

Anyway right now I was in my hospital room on my own as Aston went walking around the hospital again to try and calm a crying Joshua. The police were here. I knew they wanted to speak to me but this is a bit soon. I didn’t even know what I was going to say to them beings I don’t want Arthur going to prison; all he needs is help for his anger issues. “Miss, I need you to go through everything that happened on Wednesday July 4th” The officer said. “Okay well first I way at my best friend Charlotte, the one who was in the room with me because I needed to speak to her about something. Then we came into work so we could speak to Arthur which is what we were supposing doing but he got really angry and began pushing me into the wall and shaking my shoulders really fast. At the start of my pregnancy I was having problems keeping my blood pressure down as I was really stressed with work and nervous about this pregnancy as I wasn’t with the father at the time and I didn’t want to go through it all alone, The hospital told me that I needed to be careful because if it got out of hand then I could end up losing my baby which is why I went into labour at that time” I explained whilst taking a breath in. That was a lot to say but I am glad I have finally got it all off my chest. “Okay thank-you miss. Do you know what triggered Arthur to act this way?” He asked. “Yes. It all started when I first met Arthur. He began to like me more than a friend but I never felt the same way towards him. I love Aston, Joshua’s father but Arthur could never accept this. On Wednesday I told him that I was going to be with Aston and start a family with him. That’s what triggered him to become so angry” I stated. No matter what I said it never made what Arthur did sound right but I knew deep down he never meant anything by it. “Okay but that isn’t a reason to harass you” He frowned clearly noticing how I didn’t want anything really bad to happen to him. He was my friend. Through thick and thin. “I don’t want him to go to prison. He just needs help. He has anger issues and they just got out of hand” I explained. “Yes we agree he does need help but he was assigned pills from the doctor that helps him contain him anger that he hasn’t been taking for the last few weeks” He frowned. Arthur was on medication? He never told me. All of this could have been prevented. I just nodded my head in reply because I honestly didn’t know what to say. How could he. “Well, thank-you for your help Jessica. Someone will be in contact with you about the verdict on what happens to Arthur” He said and him and his colleague stood up and left me alone with my thoughts.

“Babe, babe, babe” Aston said whilst waving a hand in front of my face bringing me out of my daydream. I looked up at him and smiled but he just looked nervous, he knew that there was something wrong. “I think he’s hungry” He smiled whilst passing Joshua to me. I pulled up my gown and began feeding him. Aston seemed to find this interesting, but then he would. Horny man. “My face is up here” I laughed as he smiled. I shuffled forward on my bed so Aston could get in behind me. He climbed in behind me and wrapped him hands around my waist. I leant back into him. “Now you gonna tell me what’s wrong?” he whispered in my ear. It’s strange how just by looking at my face he knew that something was wrong. But to be honest nothing was really ‘wrong’ i just don’t understand why he wasn’t taking his medication. This could have all been prevented. I mean don’t get me wrong I'm glad me and Aston are happy and that Joshua is a healthy new born but he should still be inside me right now. “You know Arthur has anger issues?” I questioned but Aston just shook his head saying no. I obviously forgot to tell him that part, Whoops. “Well Arthur has anger issues” I laughed as he smiled against my neck. “Arthur has anger issues and was on prescribed medication from the doctors” I explained. Aston just looked really confused, bless him. “Right so what’s wrong?” he asked trying to understand what was actually bugging me. “He wasn’t taking it” I whispered. I felt him tense around me. “You mean this could have all been prevented” he said spitefully. He was angry. Very angry. He got up from behind me and began pacing the room talking to himself. “Aston” I said trying to get his attention. “Aston” I said again but still nothing. I got up off the bed and stood in front of him so he couldn’t keep walking around. “Aston” I said as he looked up and into my eyes. They instantly softened as soon as he saw me. Without warning he pulled me into a tight hug and even thought my stomach was hurting right now I knew that this is what he needed. “I could have lost you” he murmured into my neck just as I felt something wet trickle down my neck. He was crying. I placed my hands either side of his head and pulled his face out of my neck so he was looking me straight into my eyes. “But you didn’t” I said as I placed my lips over him softly, I pecked him then pulled away. “I’m fine, Joshua’s fine. Everything’s fine” I smiled as I leaned forward and kissed him again but this time it soon turned passionate.

“Move in with me” Aston asked randomly. We are sitting on the hospital bed. Aston behind me again and Joshua was lying in between my legs. “What?” I smiled turning my head to look at him. “Move in with me, Think about it. It would have happened eventually I mean I love you and you love me and this way we can be a proper family. Together” He pleaded. I could see in his eyes how much he wanted this. It would be good for all of us. I wouldn’t have to look after Joshua all on my own and he’s right it would have happened anyway because we both love each other. “Okay”

Sorry for such a long wait on this part but because i'm in a good mood if i get 6 votes i will post again later :)


Thanks for reading

please vote means a lot

Jessica xx

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