Part 22

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Aston has been texting me for days asking to meet up or just to arrange date 4 but I couldn’t bring myself to reply. Every time I see his name all I think about is what Charlotte said to me last week ‘once a cheater always a cheater’ and maybe she was right if I got back with Aston would he just get bored of me and cheat on me again? I only just got through the heart break last time I can’t put myself through that all again. Aston and the boys have been doing radio interviews all week so I haven’t had to face him at the studio and to be honest I wasn’t really looking forward to it. I didn’t know what to believe anymore... does he love me? Will he cheat on me again? Do I actually trust him? What do I do?

There was a knock at the door pulling from my dreaded day dream. Arthur walked through the door without waiting for my command to come in which always made me smile. That was just how close we were. I don’t know what I would do in this job if it wasn’t for him... he always made me smile whenever I am having a bad day. He was carrying a beautiful bouquet of white tulips. “What are they?” I asked which was a stupid question because I knew what they were. Arthur just raised his eyebrows at my remarkably stupid question. “There flowers duhh” he laughed; I think he laugh is contagious because soon I was laughing along with him. “Okay I understand that but who are they from?” I said once I have calmed down from my laughing fit. “Lover boy” he replied with a wink. Although I didn’t know whether I could get back with Aston the mention of his name still made me smile but also made me so confused about why he cheated or whether he will again... “brilliant” I sighed he was so clingy he didn’t give me my own breathing space which in a way I understand why because he wants me back and is trying everything he can do to get us back to the way we were which is cute but I was so confused.

On the other hand the flowers were lovely and went very well with the colours of the walls in my office no doubt Aston considered that so they would fit into the room perfectly which they did, he was so thoughtful. Arthur put them on my desk and walked out of my office leaving me to get lost in my own thoughts. I stood up to look at the top of the flowers to see if I could see a card which of corse I could. ‘Why are you ignoring me? I love you please speak to me Axx’ Reading that message made my heart flutter, I did love him but the thought of him even speaking to another women at the moment made me annoyed. Which is understandable beings he did cheat on me for 2 months with my best friends, I think that feeling of jealously will always be there whether I trust him or not I mean he’s cheated on me once what’s stopping him from doing it again... NOTHING.

Once again I was lost in my thoughts. I was sitting at my desk with my phone in my hand currently deciding on whether I should text Aston to say thank-you or maybe phone him to say thank-you or to just leave it. I must have been sitting there for a good few minutes before I decided I will just text him. ‘Thank-you for the flowers there beautiful. I’m sorry if you feel that I’m ignoring you but I have a lot of my mind at the moment Jxx’ I sent it hoping to get a reply before my mind set off on another day dream about what he would reply and luckily for me he must have just finished an interview because he instantly replied but not what I expected. ‘You are ignoring me, I can tell don’t forget I was in a relationship with you for 4 years and was best friends with you for many years before hand. What’s up? Axx’ he knew me to well it was almost annoying, I could never keep anything from Aston which was almost annoying. ‘Trust me you would be pissed at me if you knew Jxx’ I replied which was true if he knew that I was panicking about whether he was going to cheat on me again. It would make him feel even worse about himself about cheating on me if he knew I was still suffering from it. ‘I’m intrigued. Fancy meeting me tonight to discuss the fact you are ignoring me L Axx’ Well at least I knew that the fact I was ignoring him was affecting him emotionally because it was upsetting him which made a small smile play on my lips. ‘Okay you can pick me up from work :P Jxx’ I knew that my reply would make Aston smirk because I was being cheeky. ‘Cheeky bitch ;) later’s baby Axx’ he replied which made me smile. Why was I ignoring him again?

I was now sitting on my sofa in my apartment next to Aston. We haven’t actually talked about what was bothering me which I was grateful for but I knew it wouldn’t be long before he brought it up. “Now fancy telling me what’s been bothering you that much you’ve been ignoring me” he pouted, he looked so cute when he did this it was unbelievable. I actually felt really bad for ignoring him but the moment I speak or even look at him I knew I would give in I loved him too much to argue with him. “I apologise for ignoring you I didn’t mean to offend you” I pouted which caused him so slide along the sofa so he was sat next to me. He put his arm around my body which caused me to snuggle against his side. “Tell me what’s bothering you” he said before kissing my head. This is how we should be together. We were acting like a newly loved up couple. “I’m scared that you will cheat on me again if I give you my trust” I murmured against his chest and just as I thought he would he stiffen against my body. I knew he was thinking about my words carefully. “what do I have to do to prove to you that I love you and that I won’t cheat on you again I promise” he said he slightly relaxed now that he had got that out of his system but to be honest I don’t know what he can do if he can do anything that will prove to me that he won’t cheat on me again. I just shrugged my shoulders because I knew that if I looked him in the eyes I would just burst into tears. The next thing I know Aston had grabbed hold of my face and kissed me with so much passion I didn’t think possible. “Jessica Rose Lyons I love you with my entire heart okay? And I’m really sorry for cheating on you but you have to understand that when you left me felt like a part of me was missing. I can’t cope with not seeing you every day, not being able to kiss you when I like or not being able to tell you I love you. The thought of you with anyone else if heartbreaking... I don’t know what I would do if I saw you with another man in and intimate way. Please believe me when I say I will never cheat on you ever again! Okay, we still have 4 more dates left for you to gain your trust back in me but obviously at the minute you haven’t so I am going to try my hardest to make you believe that I love you” I was now in tears I couldn’t hold them back any longer I loved this man with all my heart but I just didn’t know what to do. “please don’t cry baby, I hate to see you cry” he frowned whilst pulling me onto his lap. I just cuddled into his chest whilst he rocked me back and forth. I don’t know how long we sat there until I was finally out of tears. “I love you Jess” was the last thing I heard before I fell into a peaceful sleep whilst in the man I loved arms.

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