Part 11

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Fanfic part 11

The next day...

Normal POV

I went home after my little argument with Abbie, I couldn't face seeing anyone I was in such a state. I can't believe Aston spoke to me like I was everything that morning telling me that he loved me and that he was sorry but he still chose her over me and our child... Because I didn't actually get anything done with the JLS boys yesterday they have another appointment with me today which means I am gonna have to face aston even though I don't want to, I'm just going to act like I don't care that he chose her even though once again I'm left heart broken by the man I loved. "Hello boys" I smiled as I walked into the meeting room to be greeted by 4 dazzling smiles. "Heya babe" they all smiled back, they seemed extra happy today which was strange because of everything that happened yesterday, I just put the thought to the back of my mind and got down to business. "So what sort of song do you guys need?" I smiled, I just wanted this to be over and done with so I could get on with my life. "Something catchy" "a fast beat" "something that shows our individual voices" all these thoughts were being thrown at me... I wasn't really listening to be completely honest I was stuck staring into Astons eyes. "A love song" Aston said still looking straight at me. Then it clicked "OMG Wait here! i have the perfect song for you guys" I squealed as I ran out of the room, down the corridor and into my studio, picking up the cd I was looking for which said 'hottest girl in the world' across the front, this is the perfect song I thought. I strolled back into the meeting room, put the cd player on the desk and put the song on.

Can I talk to you?

Cause there's something I should say

Girl I'm so confused, is he your boyfriend?

If I jump the gun, put me right back in my place

Can I kiss and run, like I'm your boyfriend

I can be your toyfriend, I can be your lover

Take it how you want girl, treat you like no other

Say, I can be your toyfriend, I can be your lover

Take it how you want girl, treat you like no other

If you should ever wonder why, these dudes all fall in line

It's cause they see the sexiness that's finally been defined

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

You got something no other girl's locked down

You've got my full attention so tell me how

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

Ha ha

You know it's funny cause, you have no idea

I ain't giving up, so I gotta know your name

Think I talked enough

So what are you saying, girl

I can be your mr right, or I can be your mr right now

Either way girl, let's just shut this down

I can be your toyfriend, I can be your lover

Take it how you want girl, treat you like no other

Say, I can be your toyfriend, I can be your lover

Take it how you want girl, treat you like no other

If you should ever wonder why, these dudes all fall in line

It's cause they see the sexiness that's finally been defined

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

You got something no other girl's like that

You've got my full attention so tell me how

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

Is it cool, if I get real close

Raise a glass, can I make a toast

To the girl, the most beautiful

I've ever seen in my whole life, ever

I say how does it feel

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

You got something no other girl's like that

I wanna touch you so tell me how

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now, world right now

When it finished the boys had massive smiles on there faces, this was the song that was going to help them crack America! "It backing needs abit of tweaking but I honestly think this is the perfect song for you guys" I smiled, I could tell they agreed by the grins that were spread across there faces.

We sat talking about how the backing should sound when Arthur burst into the room. "Sorry to disturb but your dad just phoned to say that he can't take you to the hospital later, he is very upset that he wont get to see your little one but couldn't get out of work" he explained. 'Great' I thought now I have to go on my own... I have always hated hospitals also my midwife is horrible she has actually made me cry before but I don't have the guts to complain about her beings I don't want to cause trouble. "I would take you but I'm stick here until late today, got so much paperwork to go through" he carried on with a small frown playing on his lips.

Aston POV

I cant believe we finally have the track that is going to help us crack America. 'Hottest girl in the world' is such a lively song and even though it isn't a love song which I hoped, it is a song that will show each of our individual voices. "Sorry to disturb but your dad just phoned to say that he can't take you to the hospital later, he is very upset that he won't get to see your little one but he couldn't get out of work, i would take you but im stuck her until late today, got so much paperwork to go through" Arthur suddenly burst into the room. I could see the frown appear on Jessica's lips she has never liked hospitals always said that to many bad things happen there, i knew she wouldn't want to go on her own. This was my chance... "Babe I'll take you" I said I was praying inside she would say yes... I would get to see my child for the first time."I don't know" she sighed I knew that she didn't want to go with me because she thinks I chose Abbie over her and the baby but I didn't... I just haven't found the right moment to tell her that I want to give us a chance. "Please I just want to see my child" I pleaded doing the puppy face because I knew she wouldn't be able to say no. "Not the puppy face... urgh your such a child sometimes! Fine you can take me to the hospital" she replied she always had hated it when I done the puppy face... "Thank you babe" i smiled literally jumping up and down in my seat... I was so excited to see my baby.

Jessica POV

Why was he so excited to see our baby when last night he clearly chose Abbie over us... I was so confused.

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