Part 8

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Aston POV

I'm having a fucking child and I didn't even know! What have I done; if I hadn't have slept with that girl 4 months ago we would be a perfect little family me Jessica and our little one! I was planning to propose, I know it's wrong because I had been cheating on her for a month but I loved Jessica with everything I had. I don't know why I ever looked at another women when I had the best girl in the world.... And with just with a click of a finger, i had lost it all. Maybe it isn't to late, maybe I can persuade her to give me another chance we could be a proper family! It was worth a try...

Normal POV

"Yeah" I sighed looking straight at Aston, it felt like we were the only people left in the room, it felt just like it used to but I knew we would never be like that again, he ruined it, he ruined everything! I couldn't trust him... "Why didn't you tell me" he asked slowing starting to raise his voice, he was speaking to me as if this was all my fault! "Why do you think I kept calling you after we broke up it obviously wasn't so we could get back together was it!" I replied with the same amount of anger in my voice as him. "Jessica stop stressing out otherwise you will end up harming yourself and the baby" Arthur explained with fear in his voice, he was so caring and I knew he would never do anything to hurt me why couldn't Aston be like that?! "Okay I'm sorry" I said looking into his bright blue eyes, I don't know how I had never realised how perfect Arthur actually was, he has bright blonde hair which made his large blue eyes stand out, he was tall skinny had proper abs and his personality was amazing he would never do anything that would purposely hurt me or my feelings but I couldn't fall for him because I was still in love with the scumbag who was the father to my unborn child! "Can we go somewhere a little more private" Aston asked looking around to see that everyone was staring at us with there jaws wide open... Oops forgot they were all here. "Yeah" I sighed might as well get this over and done with I thought... "We can go and speak in my office, Marie can you go get us some coffee please?" I asked her sweetly. "Sure" she replied before racing of to the coffee machine. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Arthur whispered into my ear sending tingles down my spine... I span around in his grip so I was now facing him "I might as well just get this chat out of the way" I smiled up at him, he was much taller then me which wasn't hard beings I was 5"5'. He nodded his head showing that he understand before softly kissing my head, I could see Aston sending him daggers in the background making me giggle. "Be careful, we don't want a repeat of a few minutes ago" he said sternly "I will I promise" I replied before walking of towards my office assuming that Aston was follow close behind.

Once in my office I sat down at my desk waving my hand pointing to the seat the other side showing him that he didn't have to stand the whole time we were talking. We were acting like we were complete strangers when actually we have known each other since we were children, he was my best friend. "So..." I said getting fed up of sitting her in an awkward silence. "Why didn't you tell me before I left?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes, he looked like he was about to cry...? "I didn't know until about a week or so after you left, I would have told you if I knew I'm not that mean! After I found out I tried to contact you but you never answered my calls probably too busy sleeping with a different women" I explained he looked a bit taken back by this like he didn't know what to say, Yes I was jealous it was horrible to think the man that I loved was over me after an hour. "It was my way of coping" he whispered. "Coping! Coping with what the fact that you cheated on me" I said getting seriously wound up with the way this conversation was going. "No well yes but coping with the fact that I had just lost the love of my life all because I was a stuck up ass who wouldn't say no" he said clearly trying to make the fact that he was a player sound better... It didn't. "Aston you cheated on me then became the worlds biggest player his do you think that made me feel" I said starting to raise my voice. "I don't know" he whispered. "Like shit you made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be with anyone, you made me feel like everything I did was wrong, you made me feel like I was nothing but a piece of dirt" I said. I could feel the warm tears oozing there way out of my eyes and slowly sliding down my face. "I'm sorry" he whispered, his eyes were red and puffy showing that he was clearly crying as well but I didn't understand why it was his fault. "Why are you crying? We are like this because of something you did? No one forced you to, you did it! You were obviously happy enough to cheat on me 4 months ago" I said with so much spite in my voice i didn't know possible "Because I didn't realise what I had until It was too late!"

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