Part 2

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Fanfic part 2

3 months later...

Normal POV

I went into work this morning in my normal tight black dress ready for the busy day ahead. I work in a studio so I get to meet famous artists like One direction and Justin bieber and today I have a meeting with a bands manager to discuss them working with us, I have no idea who they are but I hope there nice because you meet some right stuck up people who have let fame get to there head... A bit like my ex but I try not to think about him because he's obviously over me beings he is sleeping with someone different every night! I am really trying to forget him and move on but it's really difficult when he's a pop star and in literally everywhere, whether he's in the newspaper or on the radio I just can't forget him I mean I loved him!

I arrived at work in my white mini, present from Merrygold but I love it to much to get rid of it... I walk into the office to be greeted by Marie my assistant "hello how's the morning sickness" she's so polite I knew I was going to like here when I interviewed her. "Not as bad today actually I have only been sick once" I smiled thinking back to when I sprinted to toilet so I wasn't sick on my new white carpet... Stupid idea to buy new carpet but I couldn't resist it was so fluffy between my toes I just had to have it!

"That's great. Your dress really shows ur bump, I mean I know it's not huge but you can really tell its there it's cute" "awh thank-you anyway what time is my interview with the new bands manager?" as you have probably guessed I am 4 months pregnant with Astons baby but I didn't realise until he had left... I tried to get in contact with his because I wanted my baby to have a father but he rejected all my call and never replied to any of my messages, you can't say I didn't try... "Your interview is at 11am so you still have an hour to prepare yourself" Marie informed me. "Okay thank-you I'll be in my office if you need anything" I replied before turning on my heels and walking toward my office. I only recently started working at the studio but was straight away made manager dont know why but I'm not going to complain.

I had everything I needed ready for the meeting so all I was now doing was fiddling with my phone waiting for Marie to tell me they had arrived. I think I meet the band today as well which is unusual but I've been there committed to there work. A few minutes pasted and I got the signal that I was needed in the meeting room because they had arrived... I walked in to be confronted but a manager who I thought looked rather familiar but I couldn't work out why?!

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