Part 34

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Sorry only just realised the part has more than 5 votes :)  

Thank-you x

Charlotte POV

"Right, lets talk about this and get a decision" I said. Jessica needed to choose between Arthur and Aston, I personally think she already knew who she wanted but was afraid to say it. "First tell me your feeling for Aston" I stated. "Well since he came into the studio a few weeks ago he's been really caring and has been taking me in all them amazing dates, which its clear he actually thought about where to go. Plus he's the babies dad and he would be amazing for out baby I know he will always be there for it and it will get spoilt rotten!" She smiled as soon as I said his name. It was clear that she has deep feeling for Aston that may never fade. "Carry on" I pressured I knew she hadn't finished what she was saying, she was thinking about what to say next. "I love him Charlotte, I really love him but since he cheated on me yeah I have gained most of our trust back but that will always be in the back of my mind and I don't think I can live like that" she frowned. Everything she has said is true but I don't think he would cheat again I mean if he was then there wouldn't have been any point in spending all this time and effort to win her back. It's makes no sense. "Jessica listen to me you know as well as I do that he won't cheat on you again! He loves you Jessica! He just has an extremely strange way of showing it" I giggled as did she. "That's what Marv said" she smiled. "We'll there you go Marvin knows Aston better then anyone" I explained as she nodded her head in agreement. "Okay now Arthur" I said. "Okay well Arthur is so sweet and caring and I would always know that he would never do anything to hurt me ever! Plus he would be amazing with the baby... But..." She explained but didn't finish her sentence. "But..." I pressured. "He's not Aston" she whispered. There was her choice she will always be comparing men to Aston because she loved him. She's made her choice. "Well there's your answer, c'mon lets go get this over an done with" I said whilst standing up and holding my hand out for her to take so I could pull her up beings she's 8 and a hlaf months pregnant, she's nearly ready to pop! "Okay but will you come in with me when I tell him, he had anger issues and I'm scared" she frowned, I know for a fact that Arthur is going to flip! I have met him a few times but Jessica has told me about the fights he's been in before. "Corse I will" I smiled, she wasn't doing this alone.

Jessica's POV

Okay well I have just been round to charlottes and she has helped me come to my decision on who to chose. I'm choosing Aston. Not only because he's the father of my unborn child but because I love him. And only him.

We arrived at the office because that's were I was supposed to be but I took the morning off because I knew that both Aston and Arthur would be here and it wouldn't be fair on either of them.

I could see Aston sitting down in the cafeteria obviously in his break from the studio. "I'll be right back" I smiled to Charlotte. I started walking, well wadderling. Marv who was sitting in front of Aston saw me coming and was about to tell Aston but I placed a finger to my lips to tell him to keep quite. Once I reached Aston I placed both my hands on his eyes so he couldn't see. This was going to be fun ha. "Who is it?" He questioned. "If they told you who it was that would give the game away" Marvin said in a duh tone of voice. "Fuck off" Aston pouted. "Hey Aston" Charlotte said as she began walking over to where I was standing. "Wait who that" he asked. "Charlotte" she laughed. "Oh right sorry, I can't see" he smiled. Charlotte began talking to the boys whilst I just stood there with my hands covering Astons eyes, I could tell he was getting aggregated. "Is it a girl?" He asked. To answer his question I just bent over and placed a small kiss just below his ear lobe. "This better be Jessica" he stated. Causing all the boys to become confused. "Why?"Reesh asked. "Because if any other women just kissed me I need to tell them that I only have eyes for one women" he explained causing me to tear up. I looked up at Charlotte who just nodded her head. That was the sort of conformation I needed. I slowly moved my hands from his eyes and placed them around his neck baring in mind I was still standing behind him. "Nawh that's cute" I smiled against his neck. "I try, come round here so I can see you" he said as he grabbed my arms and dragged me around so I was now standing beside him. "You can sit down" he said giggling slightly. I looked around the table to see there were no empty seat. I looked back at Aston confused but he just pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap. "Tell me if I'm to heavy and I will get up" I explained. I felt really fat at the moment but only a few more weeks then I would have our baby in my arms. "Baby girl it's fine" he said before placing his lips on mine. I placed my hands on the back of his neck so he couldn't pull away. I was enjoying this kiss but it was just like every other kiss which don't get me wrong they all send tingles down my spine but I decided to try something. When Aston slipped his tongue into my mouth I sucked. We carried in kissing into we had to pull away for air. Which I'm glad we did because I could see Arthur standing in the background looking at us. Shit I thought. "That's was hot what did you do" Aston asked. "I've gotta go speak to Arthur I'll be right back" I explained but just as I went to get up Aston pulled me straight back down again causing me to giggle. "Your not going anywhere until you tell me what you did" he whispered in my ear before kissing down my neck it took all my energy not to moan. I pulled his head back and leant forward so he thought I was about to kiss him but just before our lips met I whispered "secret" against them. I hopped off his lap laughing to myself because he sat there looking mesmerised.

I got half way to Arthur and then remembered that I didn't want to do this on my own. "Charlotte come on" I shouted so she could hear me. "Shit I forgot, I'm coming" she shouted as she ran to me. She didn't even say bye to the boys just ran off. They were now looking at us confused but Charlotte just grabbed my hand and pulled me towards then meeting room with Arthur following closely behind.

"WHY JESSICA? WHY? HE'S ONLY GOING TO HURT YOU AGAIN"Arthur practically screamed in my face. I think it's safe to say right now I'm scared off him. "I'm sorry" I whimpered whilst gripping into charlottes hand tighter. "I LOVE YOU" he shouted. This wasn't getting us anywhere. "BUT I DON'T LOVE YOU" I screamed back. "NO because you love THAT CHEATING SCUMBAG OUT THERE" he shouted as he grabbed my shoulders and push me into the nearest wall. "he's using you Jessica why can't you see that?" He said as he started shaking my shoulders. I could feel myself becoming dizzy. "Arthur get off her" I could hear Charlotte shouting in the background. "HE WILL JUST HURT YOU AGAIN" he screamed in my face. I was becoming for and more dizzy by the second and I was getting scorching pains in my stomach. Charlotte pulled her arm back and punched Arthur in the jaw to get him off me. As soon as he let go off me I fell to the floor, I didn't have enough energy to stand up. Charlotte ran to my side to see if I was alright. "Jessica can you hear me? Are you alright?" She was asking so many questions. Just then I got another shooting pair in my stomach causing me to lurch forward as place my hands on my stomach. "The baby" I whispered. I couldn't loose it. NO

Charlotte POV

"The baby" she whispered. She can't loose it. If he has caused her to loose her first child I swear he is dead. "ARTHUR GO GET ASTON" I shouted but he didn't move. "NOW" I screamed at him, as he ran out the room. "Jessica listen to me, were going to take you to hospital okay, everything's gonna be fine" I said as tears were streaming down both of our faces.

Aston POV

Why did Charlotte have to go in with them? What are they talking about? What's happening? Are they alright? Should I go in? Why are they taking so long?

"Aston they're going to be fine"  

"Yeah there probably talking about work" 

"Charlottes in there with her, she'll be fine"

The boys kept telling me all these reassuring things but none of it was settling my mind. Something didn't feel right.

"ASTON" someone screamed from behind me. "What?" I said as I swivelled round in my chair to see Arthur running towards us. "JESSICA. BABY. HURRY" he screamed before running back where he came from. I glanced at the boys and they looked just as confused and scared as me. I jumped up from my seat as did the boys and ran towards the direction Arthur had just went.

I pushed open the door to see Jessica on the floor clutching her stomach screaming in pain. I ran to her side and grabbed hold of her hand and linked my fingers through hers. "What happened?" I asked Charlotte who was trying to keep Jessica as calm as possible. "Marvin phone the police and an ambulance and make sure he doesn't leave this building" she instructed. "YOU" I screamed as I got up and walked towards Arthur who was sitting on the red sofa in the corner. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" I screamed whilst grabbing his shirt and pulling him up. "I didn't mean too" he whimpered but all he got was a punch square in the face. I would have harmed him more but Reesh and JB pulled me off his telling me to go back to Jessica. "It's going to be okay baby. I promise" I whispered whilst tears were silently falling down my face. I lent forward pushing the hair out of her face and placed a light kiss on her forehead. "I promise" I whispered.

I'm now going to write the next part :) 

5 votes and I will post as soon as I have finished writing it!! 

Thanks for reading <3>

Jessica xx

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