part 33

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Why is life so complicated? All week I have been thinking about who I should choose and I have to a conclusion. I have even been on a date with each of them again to see if that helped. It did but now I just bad because I don’t want to hurt either of them. I loved them both but one in more of a friendship way. I think deep down I have always knew who I wanted to choose but was it the right choice? I guess we will find out soon.

Anyway back to the dates I went on this week. First I went on Arthurs date.


Because I was pregnant so I couldn’t really do much and Arthur had already took me out for a meal this week, he decided that we should just go for a romantic walk through the park. We were walking hand in hand down the pathway which was surrounded by lovely flowers and trees but it just didn’t feel right being here with Arthur I felt as if I needed to be experiencing this with Aston. I placed that thought to the back of my mind and just enjoyed the rest of the day.

I was now sitting in between Arthurs legs whilst he was leaning up against a big oak tree. “Do you want a boy or a girl?” he asked whilst placing his hands on my stomach to feel my baby kicking, it’s as if it knows were talking about it. “Eventually I want one of each but I don’t mind as long as it’s healthy” I smiled. Which is true every mother just wants a healthy child who will be able to come home after a few days, especially me, I don’t plan on staying in hospital for long. I hate the places. “You thought of any names yet?” he questioned. “Yeah me and Aston thought of them a few weeks ago. We got Ava Merrygold for a girl and Joshua Merrygold for a boy” I smiled thinking back to the take we thought of those names together. “You’re giving the baby Aston’s name?” Arthur questioned, obviously confused as to why beings everything he has put me through. “Yeah isn’t that what you usually do, give the baby the man’s name” I replied, I knew you could do it either way but I always thought that one day I would be a Merrygold so we could all have the same last names, as a proper family. He thought about it for a second before sighing he wanted us to be a family but no matter what happens I always want Aston in our child’s life.

Arthur placed a kiss on my neck and when I didn’t pull away he placed another one but slightly further down. He carried on until he reached my shoulder blade. I didn’t pull away because I didn’t want to seem rude beings I knew he loved me but it didn’t exactly feel right either. “Arthur I need to get back to work” I said before standing up and turning to face him. Really I had another 5 minutes left before I needed to get back but I needed him to stop kissing me. It really wasn’t helping my confused head.

After that we walked back to work in complete silence.

**flashback ended**

Then on Thursday I went on my date with Aston.


Me and Aston were sitting in his new car listening to the radio. He was driving me to some amazing unknown place. I didn’t know where because Aston being Aston refused to tell me L “Babe can you put this on please?” Aston asked whilst putting a black blindfold in front of my face. “But then I can’t see” I replied stupidly. Aston just sent me a cheeky smile before saying “That’s the point”. I just huffed before snatching it out of his hand and tying it around the back of my head. I hated not being able to see where I was going and to be honest I don’t trust Aston to walk me to wherever were going when we get there.

“There’s a step here” Aston warned me as he was directing me to the surprise place. This better be amazing after what he has just put me through. We were in the car for half an hour and I couldn’t see a thing! It was horrible. “If I fall over you are dead” I warned in a serious tone but he seemed to find it funny as he started sniggering in the background which just caused me to slap him in the stomach which surprisingly shut him up so I obviously didn’t miss. “Are we nearly there” I moaned after another 5 minutes of walking. But then I felt something soft under my shoes. It felt like sand but then again I was blindfolded so I could be wrong.

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