Part 18

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Part 18 

It's been a week since mine and aston first date and we haven't had any more since then because Aston and the boys has been busy doing radio interviews and DJ sets throughout the day. Which I completely understand and I will support him through. He has worked so hard to be where he is today, they all have. I think it is safe to say date one was a date I won't forget I had such a laugh :) I haven't stopped smiling since even though my sides hurt from where Aston tickled me which to be honest isn't so great. Anyway I am currently sitting in my office once again in my own little world thinking about everything but was rudely interrupted by my phone going off. It read 'lover boy' which off corse was Aston... He had changed his name on my contact list last week and I never got round to changing it back, at least I knew it as him. 'Hey babe fancy date 2 tonight? Got night off Axx' I never understood why he put Axx on the end of his messages I mean its not like I don't know who it's from... Hmm strange. 'Okay x what time and where?xx' I replied instantly I was already looking forward to later and I didn't even know where I was going. 'A meal and then cinema so don't wear anything to fancy, i will pick you up from yours at 6pm Axx' I didn't reply. I was thinking through what I was going to wear, probably jeans and a top I thought.

Date 2  

Me and Aston were currently sitting in a restaurant I've never heard off before discussing baby names. We started with the girls. "Rebecca?" He shacked his head as a no. "I'm just going to list a load of names i like and you say yes to the ones you like as we'll okay" Aston said... This was going to be fun. I just smiled and nodded my head as a yes. "Ellie, Grace, Faith, Ella, Sophia, Hannah, Mai, Carly, Layla, Lilly, Annabelle, Chelsea, Imogen, Charlotte, Hollie, Rihanna , Bethany, Coleen... oh come on Jess you must like at least on of these names." Aston said clearly fed up with listing names but to be honest none of those names stood out to me and I didn't want to give my child just an okay name it had to be perfect. And then it clicked! A few years ago me and Aston had a pregnancy scare and in the short time we thought I was pregnant we sorted out 2 names a boys and a girls. Aston had now started saying more girls names he liked there was am awful lot! but I wasn't really listening I was thinking back to that time and trying to remember where I had saved those names. On a piece of paper? Nope I wouldn't have done that because I'm not smart enough to put it somewhere safe. A computer? Nope I wouldn't have done that either as I wasn't very good with computers so would loose where I saved the file. Dairy? Nope I don't do then anymore... Phone? PHONE YES I saved then on my phone.

I scurried around picking my bag up of the floor in search for my phone. "Babe what are you doing?" Aston asked, it must have looked weird beings 30 seconds ago we were talking about baby names and now I'm sitting here going through my bag as if it was the last thing on earth. "Shh" I said in reply I would explain once I had found those names. I pulled my phone out of its little pocket in my bag, unlocked it and starting scanning all the notes I had made. I was getting quite a few confused glances of Aston but he stayed quiet because he knew I was concentrating. "Yes" I smiled as I found the note that consisted of two names 'Ava Merrygold' and 'Joshua Merrygold' I remember us laying down in bed one day thinking about baby names and these were our two favourite by miles they just sounded right. Instead of explained everything to Aston I just put my phone down I front of him because I know he would understand.

Aston POV 

"Yes" Jessica smiled down at her phone at whatever she had been looking for for the past few minutes. I just stayed quiet because I knew she was concentrating and I didn't want to interfere but I really wanted to know what was going on. She leaned forward and put her phone down I front of me and straight away I knew what was happening. We had sat in bed one morning going through probably every name out there and finally coming down to two names. 'Ava Merrygold' and 'Joshua Merrygold' these stood out for us by miles. "You kept these after all this time" I smiled finally peeling my eyes of Jessica' phone. "It looks that way" she giggled in reply. She was so cheeky! Well that's baby names sorted :) now for the cinema.

I will post the second part to Date 2 later today :) hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! 

Jessica xxx

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