Part 24

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Date 4

“Baby girl, wake up” Aston insisted whilst planting flower like kisses all the way down my neck. He knew my weak spots but I want ready to give him what he wanted. I understood that he had needs but if he was serious about us then he was going to have to wait. I mean we only had 3 more dates left. “What time is it?” I moaned. I wasn’t ready to get up, I was comfy and enjoying my well needed sleep. “4am” he whispered whilst carrying on his little adventure down my neck. 4 AM!!! Had he forgotten that I was pregnant and NOT a morning person. I moaned before rolling over so my back was facing him and pulled the covers over my head in an attempt to go back to sleep. I had never been a morning person. I liked my sleep too much. “Babe get up” Aston laughed whilst trying to pull the cover off me. I refused and clung onto the duvet. I could sense the smirk in his voice; he was finding this whole situation funny... “Its 4 in the morning I am not getting up” I huffed. I thought he would have been more considerate I mean he knew I hadn’t been sleeping well and the night I actually start to get a decent night sleep he wakes me up. I heard Aston sigh before I felt the bed dip. Aston was getting out of bed. I assumed it was because he needed the toilet but I was wrong. I thought Aston had given up with trying to get me up so I snuggled back down into my bed whilst trying to get back to sleep. I thought Aston had got the point and decided to leave me to sleep but then I felt something wet get poured onto my face. He has just dropped a glass of water over my face!  “Aston you dickhead. What was that for” I scooted up in my bed and screamed in his face. I could see that Merrygold was literally peeing himself with laughter. I on the other hand wasn’t very amused. Once he realised I wasn’t laughing he actually looked quiet scared I mean a pissed of pregnant lady was never good. I was now standing in front of him sending him daggers, he better have woken me up for something good or he was dead. “It was the only way I could get you up” he smirked I could tell he was trying to contain his laughter. MEN! I walked straight past him. Ignoring all his comment from his trying to convince me he was sorry when he obviously wasn’t because he was still laughing. I reached my wardrobe before pulling out my joggers and a vest, beings I didn’t know where I was going I thought it was a pretty safe bet. I walked into the bathroom and got changed. Once I had finished what I needed to do I headed out into the living room to see Aston already dressed and ready to go. He had now stopped laughing at me beings he has realised I was seriously pissed off.

We had been sitting in the car for about 10 minutes. I had no idea where we were going and I wasn’t in the mood to pester him about it. We had sat in silence the whole time... I was pissed but I had forgiven Ast I mean off corse I had I mean I love him but it’s just annoying because I haven’t slept right in weeks. I think because I was in bed with Ast that was the reason I slept better. I felt safe in his arms as if he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me. I just wish he never broke my heart, we would be a perfect little family right now but instead he was trying to gain my trust back. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and went on twitter; I was trying to pass the time. I was going down was newsfeed when I came across a tweet from JLS from Aston. ‘@JLSofficial got my baby girl back in my arms <3>

“Babe I hate this! Talk to me please? It was only a bit of fun” Aston moaned. I wish he was the one pregnant right now see how he felt. “It’s fine. I’m sorry I did kind of overreacted my hormones are everywhere at the minute but I don’t think you understand that I haven’t slept right in weeks I keep waking up with morning sickness or cramps. But last night because you were with me I was having a good needed night sleep but you woke me up at stupid o’clock” I explained I wanted him to know that this was hard for me. I wanted him with me every night and I would if it wasn’t for my so called best friend Abbie. “Awh I’m sorry babe I didn’t realise it was so hard for you. I will be more thought full next time I promise but this will be worth the wait. I’m really sorry for pouring water on you head I shouldn’t have taken it that far I’m sorry baby girl” Aston frowned I knew he was beating himself up about this now. Can I just say that my heart fluttered whenever he called me ‘baby girl’ I don’t know why beings it was quite babyish but I loved it. I feel really bad for overreacting I didn’t mean to but my hormones are everywhere at the moment I can go from happy to sad at the click of your fingers. I reached over and placed my hand on his thigh. “Baby its fine” I smiled before giving his thigh a reassuring squeeze. Aston looked over at me and smiled his heat warming smile. “So fancy telling me where we going?” I giggled. I knew what the answer was going to be but it was worth a try. “Nope” he smiled popping the P. I loved how we could go from beings in an argument one minute to being all loved up the next. “I love you” Aston reassured before picking my hand up from his leg and bringing it towards his mouth and planting a small lingering kiss on it. “I love you too”

“Aston this is beautiful” I gushed I actually had tears in my eyes. I loved this boy so much. With every date we go on he proves himself that little bit more. I was currently stood on top of a clith which might I just add I never knew existed. It was amazing you could see the whole town from up here and it looked like we had made it just in time to watch the sunrise, I now understood why Aston had woke me up early. “Not as beautiful as you” he whispered into my ear which caused me to blush. Aston sat down on the floor behind me and pulled me down with him, I was now sat in between his legs. Our fingers were interlocked together, perfect fit. We must have sat like that for at least 5 minutes before I broke the comforting silence. “Thank-you” I whispered before turning my head and pecking him on the lips. “You’re welcome babe” he smiled before removing his hands from mine and placing them on my stomach. I missed the way we were acting right now we were acting really loved up.

We were sat laughing and joking with each other when I felt a pain in my stomach. “Fuck” I hissed through my teeth. I knew what was happening it was just stronger than it had ever been before. “Babe are you alright? What happening? Is it the baby?” Aston started to panic. I just grabbed his hand and placed it back onto my stomach in hope it would happen again. “Shh just wait” I smiled praying that the beautiful human being inside me would kick again, for its dad. A few minutes passed and Aston was becoming impatient with me. “Babe please tell me what is happening? Why are my han..” Aston stopped when he felt it, he felt our baby kick for the fast time. I had felt it kick before but only I could feel it because it wasn’t strong enough to be felt on the outside. Aston had a massive grin covering his whole face. He spun me around in his grip so I was now facing him. “Did our baby just kick for the first time?” Aston smiled making sure he wasn’t dreaming it, he was so cute sometimes, he looked so happy. I just nodded my head as my answer. His smile was contagious I swear! I was so happy that I got to share this moment with Aston he would have been devastated if he wasn’t here to feel this for the first time. We sat smiling at each other. Before he pulled me into a loving kiss. I loved this man and I am glad he is the father to my unborn child.

sorry i haven't posted in a while i was on holiday over the weekend so didnt have time :) hope you enjoyed this part... thank-you for reading let me know what you think? please vote <3


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