Part 3

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Fanfic (part 3)

"Hello I'm Jessica the manager of platinum studio" I introduced myself putting my hand out between us ready to shake... "Hello I'm Thomas Michelson" he firmly grabbed my hand introducing himself. "Take a seat" we both sat across from each other on the large black table. "How can I help" I asked politely getting straight down to business. "We'll I've heard that you have helped big artists like one direction and Justin Beiber get record braking songs to make them worldwide and was wondering if you could do the same for my band which consists of 4 boys aged 25-27, they are all hard working lads who want to make music" he sounded like he was describing a band I knew well and wasn't planning on speaking to ever again... "Well they sound like a pleasure to work with and I am happy to help who ever I can to achieve there dreams in the music industry" I put on a fake smile, I think my morning sickness was catching up with me 'not now' I thought. "Well I'm sure they will all appreciate your help, urm would you like to meet them, they are in the lobby" he replied I think he could sense there was something wrong but I was trying my hardest to cover it up. "Sure I would love to, how about you go get them whilst I just pop to the toilet" as soon as he nodded his head I ran out of the room to the nearest female toilet and threw up... Defiantly the worst part of being pregnant. I cleaned myself up, re applying my make up to add more colour to my cheeks so I didn't look faint. I left the toilets to find Marie standing outside looking at me with wide eyes. "Are you alright? I saw you running out of the meeting room" she asked her voice full of concern. "I'm fine the morning sickness just caught up with my that's all" I smiled. I walked past her and went to go and get some coffee to take back with me into the meeting room as an apology for running off.

As I made my way back into the meeting room, I could feel my stomach flutter... Something didn't feel right and as soon as I stepped into the room I knew why! 4 heads turned when they heard the door opening and who was sitting in front of me JLS, I felt the tray full of coffee slowly slip out of my hands making a loud crash on the floor...



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