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I have been sitting in the car for over an hour now and I have absolutely no idea where were going. Aston decided that he was going to take me somewhere special but he wanted it to be a surprise. He has been acting weird since this morning but every time I ask him if he's alright he just brushes it off telling me he's fine but I think he keeps forgetting the fact that I have known him for like 10 years. Joshua in now 2 years old and is currently staying with my mum, she steps up to every chance to look after him.

"Babe are you sure you're alright?" I questioned. I know he isn't alright he is clearly nervous about something but I am going to give him the chance to tell me. "I'm fine" He answered smiling over at me. "Aston I think your forgetting the fact I have known you for nearly 10 years, I know whether you're alright or not" I said. He looked at me and sighed he knew that he wasn't going to get out of this too easily. "I'm just worried you won't like where were going" He frowned. "Aww babe of cause I will like it" I smiled warmingly at him. I may not know where we are going but I knew that I will love it because Aston knows me so well; he wouldn't take me somewhere I won't like.

Few hours later

"Were here" He whispered. I thought it was so cute how he is nervous about me liking where we are going. WOW. We have driven the whole way across London to the poshist most expensive hotel out there. It looked amazing. I have always wanted to stay here but because it was so expensive I never said anything because I knew Aston would waste his money on me being able to go here. "Wow" I whispered because that was the only thing that I could say. I can't believe he had brung me here but how did he know I wanted to come here? "How did you?" I stuttered still amazed that I am here. I heard him giggle next to me probably amused by my reaction. I turned my heard to face him. "I have known you for the past 10 years" he said smiling, he was teasing me because I have always used that on him. I ignored his comment because I didn't want to ruin our weekend.

Later that night we were going out for a romantic mean. I was wearing a long sleek one shoulder black dress whilst Aston was wearing a black suit but can I just say he was looking absolutely gorgeous. A few minutes later, and we were both enjoying our plates of food while getting lost our own conversations, but just as a quiet gap is created, Aston takes a chance to say something.

"Jessica you know I love you and Joshua so much right?" He begins as you look up at him and smile greatly "yes-" "Baby, for the rest of my life, all I want is to wake up in the morning and see your beautiful smile because that is all it takes to brighten up my day, have a bigger family together, I love Joshua and I want us to have more children like him and some girls obviously but mostly I want to be able get old with you and love each other to death..." He speaks, before getting down onto one knee as you gulp and become frozen "so baby girl will you marry me?" He asks as you find it hard to breathe as well as answering, "YES," you practically screamed and jumped onto Aston with a huge hug, as everyone else in the room cheered.

Happy tears are everywhere as Aston slowly slips the ring onto your finger, before tenderly kissing you to seal the deal. As you looked up at everyone around the room you smiled like tomorrow could never come, realizing how perfect life was being... From then on, you realized that all you needed was your friends, your family and your lover... Life couldn't get any more perfect then this, but it did.

*Flashback ended*

Today is the day. Today is my wedding day. I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. I jumped out of bed being careful not to wake Joshua, he stayed with me tonight instead of with Aston and the boys because I can imagine them turning up at the church hung over. I grabbed my phone before heading downstairs. "Morning love" my mum smiled. "Morning" I grinned as I sat down at the kitchen table. "How you feeling?" "Really good, nervous but I actually can't wait, I will officially be Mrs Merrygold" I grinned as I checked my phone,*Ast <3*

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