Part 21

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It has been 3 days since mine and Aston’s date on the hot air balloon which was amazing I haven’t stopped talking about it since. I also have a massive grin on my face the moment anyone says his name, why did my lucky number have to be so high? We could be going back to normal right now but instead we have 4 more dates left. But I knew that I needed to know whether I can trust him before I fully forgive him.

I was at work at the studio when my phone started to ring.

M=me      C=Charlotte (best friend)

M- Hey babe

C- Hey babes fancy coming round after your shift?

M- Corse I need to see my godson feels like forever

C- Yeah plus you need to fill me in on everything that’s been going on with Aston

M- Yeah I will... I will come round straight from work

C- Okay see you later

M- Bye

Well that’s my night sorted. It’s hard to believe that me and charlotte have been best friends since high school; It feels like I have known her forever! I don’t know where I would be without her... she has helped my through everything. I can’t believe she has had a child! I mean I know I’m pregnant but even though we are both 24 we are still children at heart. I glanced at the clock to see it said 3:00 which means I had 2 hours to finish all the paperwork that had slowly been stacked on my desk over the past few weeks.

2 hours passed quickly and I was now sat in Charlotte’s living room holding baby Alfie in my arms. “He’s perfect” I smiled up at Charlotte which he really was he had his father’s bright blue eyes which stood out against the little strawberry blonde hair he had. He was going to be a looker that’s for sure! Soon enough Alfie had fallen asleep in my arms so I carefully handed him back to his mother who put him in his crib that was across the hall so he was never too far away from Charlotte, she was always nervous that if he wasn’t close by something would happen to him.

We were sat on the sofa facing each other sipping out hot chocolates when she mentioned Aston. “so what’s been happening with lover boy?” she said which caused a massive grin to appear at the mention of his name which made Charlotte raise her eyebrow at me. “Well” I said as I leaned forward and placed my mug onto the coffee table. “we have now been on three dates... you will never guess where he took me the other day” I smiled Charlotte knew how much I wanted to go on a hot air balloon but would never do it with me as she is scared of heights. “Where?” she asked clearly intrigued, it was nice to have a girly chat with my best friend it had been to long obviously with the baby she wasn’t free all the time just to chat she had other commitment which I understood I just missed her. “On a hot air balloon” I beamed I must have looked like a little girl in a candy store right now. Her jaw dropped as soon as I said those words... she was clearly shocked that for one he has spent that much money on a date and two that he actually remembered how much I had dreamed to go on one.  “Wow” was all that managed to escape her mouth which caused me to laugh which she soon joined in. This is what I loved about us we could laugh and make a conversation over anything. Once we had calmed down from our little laughing session it got serious... “Do you still love him?” she asked with a straight face. She has always been protective over me and me the same to her we don’t want each other to get hurt and obviously Aston has already broken my heart and she doesn’t want me to have to go through that again. “To be honest I don’t think I ever stopped loving him. Yeah he may have broken my heart but he was my first love and will be my last. I can’t help but loving him” I replied smiling gently at her she knew how much I loved Aston and I never wanted to believe he slept with Abbie but unfortunately it wasn’t just a bad dream it was my mess of a life. “I know you do but I just don’t want you to get hurt, just be careful remember what you always used to say ‘once a cheater always a cheater’” she said with a small smile. She was right when we were in high school I did always used to say that but Aston was different right?

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