54|Safety in Music

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General POV
Riley was sitting on her bed watching movies, Wanda had fallen asleep next to her. Riley was stressing herself out, she had an internal conflict. She wanted to go to the training room but then she was scared that she wasn't supposed to do that. She knew Wanda had told her that she was not at Hydra and could do what she wanted, but Riley was still scared. She wasn't sure if any rules had changed but she knew there was a low chance they had been.

Eventually Wanda woke up as through Riley's stress she hasn't been sitting very still. "What's wrong?" Wanda asked the girl tiredly. Riley jumped and turned to face Wanda, who smiled kindly at the girl.

"I, erm. I wanted, well I was wondering if I could go to the training room, but I didn't know if I could. Erm yeah" Riley says nervously, she fiddles with her hands anxiously. Wanda smiles kindly at Riley.

"Riley, you can do what you want. Whatever you have always been able to do" Wanda states while sitting up tiredly.

"So, does that mean It's fine?" Riley asks quietly, she wants to be sure. Wanda smiles and nods.

"Yes" she says. Riley smiles gratefully and gets off the bed, she gets changed into some shorts and takes her hoodie off, having her sports bra underneath. She puts some running shoes on that she could train in and grabs her phone, earphones and a drink before leaving the room. Wanda secretly admired her girlfriends abs and toned arms as she gets her things.

Wanda gets up and dressed before heading into the kitchen where she comes across Peter, Pietro, Tony, Steve, Bucky, Natasha and Yelena in the kitchen getting some food.

"Hello Wanda, how's Riley?" Peter asks energetically and enthusiastically. He hasn't really had the time to properly speak to Riley and wants to make sure she is okay.

"She's- well, thats a hard answer to give you Pete" Wanda replies honesty. "Riley woke earlier and had a panic attack, she didn't seem to recognise me and was trying to get as far away from me as possible, she fell off the bed and crawled into the corner of the room. She managed to get herself out of the panic attack and seemed to scan the room when she became more aware. I think she felt like she was in Hydra. She has gone to the training room. I don't know how long she had been wanting to go but she seemed very anxious about being allowed or if she wasn't" Wanda explains.

"She went to the training room?" Natasha asks nervously.

"Yeah, I think its helps her to relieve stress, or take out anger?" Wanda replies.

"It's she still injured?" Steve questions, Wanda nods lightly.

"You do realise we can just walk to the training room and check on her?" Tony says with an eye roll. This earns a glare from Steve and Nat along with a light head tilt form Wanda. Tony puts his hands up as if surrendering and takes a few steps back.

Pietro laughs at the group, this earns him a head tilt from Wanda. So he backs off.

Meanwhile Riley is in the training room. She has pressed shuffle on her playlist and Ava by Famy plays, she smiles at the music. She decides to lay on the floor and just enjoy it for a few minutes after not hearing it in a while. She remembers the first time she met The Avengers she was listening to this song. She thinks back to that day, remembering.

Riley was very busy vibing to one of her current favourite songs, it was called Ava by famy. She had failed to notice the Avengers sneaking up on her, she felt her spider senses tell her something was wrong so she turned around quickly, she saw the black widow sneaking up on her. Her taser armed. Riley launched a web as fast as she could and swiftly swung away to Peters but the black widow had shot at her, hitting her on the right side of her abdomen, she flinched as it electrocuted her body.

Ending up letting go of the web, she fell and fell as she was swinging at quite a height. the Avengers couldn't do anything but watch as they were all to far away.

But Riley had managed to gain consciousness again quick enough to shoot a web and break her fall slightly, still landing forcefully on the concrete. She winced as she rolled her ankle at the landing, he body ached. There was only one safe place she could go. Peter's.

Riley knew that May was out and Peter was home alone so she quickly swung there. Making sure no one had followed her by sneaking through alleys and tricking the avengers by swinging in different directions.

Riley landed at Peters and jumped into the window. She saw Peter and rushed out "Peter, the Avengers tried to capture me and black widow shot me and I fell really far but fought myself but I hurt me ankle and my body hurts from being electrocuted" Riley Rambled. Peter led her to the sofa and got her a blanket.

"Sleep, you need it. I know you woke early" Peter announces, he knew she was in pain and needed to sleep.

Riley smiled and focused on the music. Music was always such a big part in her life, after learning the guitar and piano, and singing she had always been around music. She found it calming and distracting from what was around her, it allowed her space from the world around her. She needed music in her life. Sometimes Riley would find certain songs could be linked with experiences or people, so because the first time she met the Avengers she was listening to Ava by Famy that song was associated with that memory. The first time she met Spider-Man she was on patrol and her playlist had put on All I Have by NF so that memory was associated with that song, along with the suit Peter was wearing, his classic suit, the first one Tony gave him.

Riley didn't know that the Avengers where watching her as she laid on the floor listening to music. She had put her hoodie back on while walking through the compound after feeling a little bit cold. Riley was smiling lightly with her eyes closed and her earphones in her ears. Wanda, Natasha, Yelena, Pietro, Peter, Tony, Steve and Bucky had walked into the room to check on Riley, they spotted the girl in the middle of the sparring area.

Peter smiled, his enhanced hearing allowed him to hear Riley humming lightly, it was gentle and soft. Peter always admired Riley's talent for singing and her musical ability.

Eventually Riley opened her eyes, The others in the room decided not to disturb her and to leave her be. They were just happy she was happier. Riley looked around and saw the other Avengers watching with guilty expressions on their faces. Riley offered them all a small smiles before taking her hoodie off and going to the pull-up bar.

"Is she more toned?" Peter asked Wanda, who wasn't paying attention to him and busy admiring her girlfriend. Peter gently tapped her shoulder.

"Huh?" Wanda said, turning to him.

"I said, Is Riley more toned?" He repeats.

"I think so, how would you know?" Wanda asks.

"I could say the same for you, creepy Riley watcher" Peter replies. Wanda laughs lightly.

"Riley is my girlfriend, so i'm allowed to do that. But touché" Wanda says with a laugh.

"You know that scar makes her look badass" Yelena says, smiling lightly.

"Which one?" Bucky says sadly, there are many scars on Rileys body, some are more faded than others due to her enhancements but the more recent ones are visible.

"The one across her eye, it looks cool" Yelena says very childishly.

Riley was listening to the conversation, so walks over. "It was done as a reminder. Thats what I was told" she states dryly.

"We need to talk about that actually" Steve says, "we need you to explain what happened and what they wanted, what they did. I know it may be difficult and we have time. But we do need to know. I'm sorry Riley" Steve adds professionally, turning into Captain America instead of just Steve. "I can give you a week if you want" Riley nodded needing that week,  "Okay, I'll tell everyone we have a meeting 7 days from now at around 10am?" Steve asked. Riley nodded again

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