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General POV
A week later and All of the Avengers had met in the training room. That included: Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Tony, Yelena, Pietro, Wanda, Bruce, Sam, Vision, Thor, Loki, Peter and Kate. Riley was also there, she was sat between Wanda and Peter, with Pietro to Wanda's other side and Loki on Peter's other side. Riley had her head on the table in front of her. She had put her hoodie back on and her headphones where near her incase needed. There was an awkward tension in the room, no one really wanted to put Riley through this. But they all knew they had to.

"So" Tony says awkwardly "Riley" he adds.

"I can't do this" Riley says, she can already feel the tears forming in her eyes.

"Start of with their intentions, we know they wanted an army of spider enhanced soldier. Did they want anything else?" Tony asks, they needed this information on Hydra too try and take them down, if they new what they wanted maybe they could try and prevent that from happening while destroying them

"I think the plan was for me to become 'the new and improved winter soldier' or something like that. it got more personal for General Albrecht and Madame Dietrich as they were pissed at me" Riley explains. "They focused more on punishing over turning me into a soldier, they were going to brainwash me within three months of me being there. They also had their boss visit the base" Riley explains, many nod

"The winter spider!" Kate exclaims at the same time as Pietro, this earns them some glares. "Sorry wrong time" Kate says while Pietro says "ooops, Sorry"

"Who was the leader sort of the base" Steve says gently. "Where they the names you mentioned. Who where General Albrecht and Madame Dietrich, you need to tell us Riley" when Riley doesn't answer Steve asks again "Riley, please. I am so sorry that we have to do this but we need an answer" Riley states at the table, she hates the question. "Riley?" Steve asks once again.

"It was my parents!" Riley shouts, slamming her fist into the table while standing up, angler bubbling up inside her at the memories and the pressure. She hates this whole conversation. She doesn't know where this anger is coming from but channels it "God it was horrible. Turns out Hydra has been a part of my whole life. They killed my parents when I was only 1 and proceeded to track me, they were going to raise me as an experiment, they were going to test Hydra chemicals on me. The Agents chosen to be my fake parents got so drunk and fed up they kicked me out that night. They didn't tell me their real names for a long time. They were in charge of the base, my torture, my training. Everything. They gave me the the rules, and what to do. They faked their death knowing what I would do and then went running back to Hydra it make a new plan. My whole life was some bullshit story Hydra created for me!" Riley shouted, she was so mad, her anger soon evaporated into grief and sadness.

"Maybe I could have had a normal life, If I wasn't kicked out then I wouldn't have been bitten, so maybe if I had stayed with my biological parents and they hadn't been killed then maybe I wouldn't have been kicked out, and maybe I would have been accepted for who I was. I don't even know what they looked like, I can't even remember their faces. I didn't even know they existed. They are dead and I will never know them, never even know what they looked like, who they were. Even the people who I thought were my family are probably fake. Do I even have any living relatives? My life is so messed up" Riley says through her sobs she had backed up into the corner and slid down the wall onto the floor, her breathing fast. Riley manages to keep her breathing somewhat regular and hold off the panic attack by tapping her fingers against the floor with some rhythm as something to focus on. Two women in the room understand Riley the most. Having been raised by the red room in a very similar way. Natasha and Yelena.

Natasha gets up and goes over to Riley, who has moved to the corner of the room. Riley sobbed into Nat's shoulder as the older woman had offered her a hug that she accepted.

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