3. The proposal

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"bae why are we at the beach?" I asked 

"shhh love it's a surprise",  We got out of the car and Leonardo covered my eyes. "Leon what are you doing" I said 

"do you trust me love ?" he asked me 

"yes I do" ,

"Good so can we please go on, come on I will lead you". he said 

"Alright" I replied, this was strange, Leonardo doesn't really do surprises, it's really weird of him and on the other hand I think it was sweet, he is trying something new but it's feel different.

He covered my eyes with his hand and led me. We were walking for a while now , I could hear the waves in the ocean, they cold air that brushes on my skin, when we finally stopped, I was so nervous and excited at the same time. 

"we are here love" he murmured softly.
"can I see now"
"yes of course" he remove his hand from my eyes and when i can finally see,  it was really shocking, they were lights everywhere and a big red roses on a arch that shaped like a heart and in the middle it had the words that made my heart full, I turn around to look at Leonardo he was on his knees with a lovely diamond ring in his hand.

"Yasmin Salvatore, will you marry me?" he said, with a big smile on his face

I was full of joy, I can't believe he actually proposed. This was all new to me and so unexpected I never really thought he would propose to me but today this man is on his knees asking for my hand. 
"y-yes of course I will marry you " I shouted in high pitch of excitement.
Leonardo put the ring on my finger and kissed me on my lips his kiss was soft and gentle, it filled me, for once I felt love, I do love him but sometime it was hard for me to feel his love but tonight, all of that changed.

He pulled away from our kiss, "I love you " he whispered.

"I love you too Mr Martinez " I muttered.


After a long night with Leonardo he decided to drop me home because it was literally 3am in the morning, after he propose we went to eat something at a lovely restaurant, so that take up the time. 

we arrive at my place I asked Leonardo if he wanted to stay over because Kaya was with some dude and my aunt and uncle was in New York for sometime it would be lonely and me and Leonardo haven't had time to spend with each other in awhile now, he's always away and we haven't had sex in 3 months but whenever I ask him to stay over  he always refused and make up something about work which was always his excuse now a days. 

"why? That's   always your answer why don't you want to stay over, leon we didn't had sex in a while, I feel like you are distancing yourself from me". 
"i know love it's just that i have a lot of work to do and I'm  always busy and from here i have to go back to club to see how things are going I'm sorry, I promiseI will make it up to you" he said, his same excuses again.

"fine, its alright you can go" I'm so disappointed in him, tonight was supposed to be romantic but he's always busy, he always chooses work over me, and it hurts.

he hugged and  kissed me goodbye and left. I went in my house and I decided to take a bath and go to bed,
And try not think about it too much.

couple minutes later I was getting ready to go sleep the door bell ring , it which was weird I mean this hour in the morning but I guess it was Kaya so I went to open the door but the person who was  standing in front of me , shocked me i just froze there  it was........ 



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