4. Truth

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SEBASTIAN" I shouted in shock. He was bleeding, he couldn't even stand up.

"Oh, hello Yasmin, I need your help" he said as he fell to the floor. "OH, MY GODD" I screamed and panicked.

"Sebastian, Sebastian get up, talk to me" hoping he would respond. I quickly went and called my cousin, he is a doctor so I could get in contact with him. After two rings he answered "Hello Yasmin how are you?" "Ricardo, I need your help, can you please come to my house now? It's really important and bring your medical stuff now" I said while panicking.

"Yasmin calm down it going to be alright I'm on my way" he said. I tired to take deep breaths in and out I couldn't even do that, I was panicking. Sebastian was lying on the floor. He almost passed out. He was also bleeding, it looked like he had been shot in his shoulder and his back. I tried to put pressure on the wounds, but he was bleeding very badly. Minutes later Ricardo arrived, I quickly open the door Ricardo ran in and checked Sebastian to see if he is still breathing and look after his wounds.

"Luckily the bullet didn't go that deep"

I taked  a deep breath of relief when I heard that. After he finished taking care of Sebastian bullet wounds ,he gives me some medication for him to take.

"Thank you so much Ricardo I don't know what I would have done if you didn't come"

"No problem this is my job," he said with pleasant smile on his face, but then his face expression changed he grabbed my arm.

"Yasmin why are you dealing with these kinds of people? how did he even know he got shot?" he asked me.

"To be honest I don't know either, he is my boyfriend brother and he just showed up out of nowhere "
"You need to be careful Yasmin, people like them can cause trouble"
he mutterd , being worried about my well-being .
"I know I will be careful, just do me a favor and never speak of this again please" I begged him. "Fine but if it happens again, I will have to say something." "It will not happen again I promise" I said he hugged me goodbye and he left.


Two hours later Sebastian woke up.

"Thank god you are awake" I said as I ran over to him.
"Hey, what happened?" he asked me. He could not even speak properly his voice was very low
"You passed out, so I called my cousin to take care of your bullet
wounds, don't worry he is a doctor. "Wtf why did you call a doctor? I told you I would have been fine" he screamed at me.
"I didn't ask for your help" he shouted.
"Oh, really then why the fuck you even came to my house if you didn't need help? You know what you are so ungrateful" I was so angry at him.

"FUCK OFF!" He tried to get up out of the bed, but he was in too much pain so he couldn't he groaned in pain.

"Stop it you will just hurt yourself more, please just lay down" I said in a worried tone.

"I need to be going because if they find me here both of us will die," he said.

"What do you mean 'they'? I asked

"You don't know one thing what's going on love" he said as he chuckled.

"What are you talking about? " I ask clueless.

"Your so call 'boyfriend' I cut him off saying "Fiancé"

"Wtf, wait did that bastard propose?" he said with a laugh.

"Yes, and why are you laughing?" I was so mad that he laughed at us but at the end he had a lovely laugh that made me wanna laughed with him but for once he is actually laughing.

"You are the reason this happened, if he didn't start dating you maybe everything would be great but no you had to come into his life" Sebastian said.

"So it's my fault you got shot woww

"Come on Yasmin why are you getting involved with us?" he asked.

"Getting involved first of all who are you people? and Leonardo would never do something like that to you he loves you, you are his brother" I said.

"He also loves you but chose his business over you" Sebastian replied. "What are you talking about?,

Leonardo would never."

"Yeah, right then why did he accept to married Maya? also why did he send men to kill me?" he questioned. At this point I was speechless; I can't believe what I'm hearing did he really do did that?

"W- why would he do such thing Leonardo loves me very much he would never accept to married Maya, Maya will never allow that because she is my best friend, and
Leonardo would never try to kill his own brother" I said trying to deny what Sebastian was saying.

"I'm not his real brother, Leonardo and my stepfather don't care if i am dead or alive" Sebastian said. Wtf am I even hearing, Leonardo never told me this and since when he had that much power? I didn't know what to say, I just sat there as tears poured out of my eyes, this was too much information, I trusted Leonardo, I love him so much and me finding out this just hurts.

"Come on stop crying like a little brat, I should be the one in pain" he said. I can see he was annoyed that I had emotions.

"How can they do this to us?" I asked him.

"Well, they both will continue grow up to become king and queen they always get what they want because of Daddy's money and of course Leonardo and Maya they are all about business, Maya left me because she found out Leonardo will be the next Don" he said.

"Wait is Leonardo in the mafia?" I asked curiously.

"We both are but Leonardo has more power than me because he is the Don's real son."

"I can't believe this; I have been dating Leonardo for 3 years never once he told me he is in the mafia" I said as my inside broke into pieces.

"It's normally being kept secret from the outsiders.' Suddenly the doorbell rang,

"Don't answer it" he held my hand as I tried to get up to go to the door.

"Why not?" I asked. "It could be Leonardo's men coming to finish me" he said.

"Oh, come on it's Kaya she was out whole night and she normally comes home in the morning" I said. As I get up to approach the door, I proceed to open the door but you will never guess who was there....



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