16. Onion rings

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20 minutes later we arrived at an open field where I saw Sebastian Jet.

"Wow" I said walking towards it, Sebastian went over to the pilot, which looked like a homeless man, he was wearing a hoodie with baggy jeans, he had a long blond beard, his hood covered his hair, he was also fair in complexion and tall and skinny.

"Where does Sebastian find these people?" I asked Ava quietly as she was standing next to me while Jake took out our suitcases.

"That's Sebastian pilot, he looks homeless I know but Sebastian and him have been friends since high school, Edward is kinda weird but he is a damn good pilot" Ava said. I walked closer to the jet just examining it, because I have never been inside or went this close to one before.

"Guys let's go " Sebastian shouted, he head to help Jake with the suitcases to load them up and told us to go in side, it was so big and fancy the seats were white and so soft, it had everything you could need it was perfect, I take a seat on the right side and Ava sit on the left side , Sebastian on the other hands was in the cockpit. I was feeling tired so I decided to rest my eyes for a while.

2 minutes later I woke up by someone tapping me on my shoulder, I slowly opened my eyes, my vision was blurry "mhmm" I mumble softly rubbing my eyes for my vision to clear, I noticed Sebastian standing there staring at me with some snacks in his hand. "Want one?" He asked

"You wake me up just to ask me if I want chips? " I yell, I hate it when people wake me up when I want a peaceful nap it makes me grumpy.

"Oh my god you don't have to yell, I just thought you would be hungry because we didn't have dinner" he said politely.

"Oh..... well I will take this one, I grab the Lays, and sited up, Sebastian take a seat next to me he open his onion rings and started to eat, I look over at him he was just enjoying his onion rings like a child, even making a mess one broke in half and fall on his pants, who would have know a big scary looking but handsome man eat chips like a child, I let out a loud laugh just watching him, I quickly cover my mouth trying to stop laughing. Sebastian turned to me and lifted his left eyebrows looking at me "what's the matter?" He asked

"Umm.... nothing" I said trying to hold in my laugh.

Sebastian then noticed the mess he made and quickly picked up the half onion rings from his pants and ate it, then brushed off the crumbs.

"You are such a baby" I muttered

He chuckle "eating chips like these makes a lot of mess" he stated taking one more onion ring from the pack.

I open my Lays and began to eat

"No I just think you eat like a big baby,"

He rolled his eyes and proceeded to eat his chips. As I was eating my Lays I place it on my lap to grab my water which was in my prose the entire bag of chips fall down on the floor causing alot of mess "fuck!!" I yelled, Sebastian noticed and started laughing loudly as ever "look who's talking about big baby, your even worst" he stated trying to catch his breath.

"Asshole!!" I shouted at him, trying to clean up the mess I made.

He laughed "there is a dustpan I will go get it" he said leaving and just laughing at me, which makes me even more mad, he is such an ass. He came back with the dustpan and helped me clean up the crumbs.

After that we just sat there and of course he still had his onion rings eating away not even sharing, I folded my arms and just look outside the window. "Here" he said given me his onion rings. "I'm alright you eat" even though I want it I wouldn't tell him that I don't want to look like a hunger belly dog. He ignored me and took out a onion ring trying to feed me "here eat it" he said in a demanding tone.

"Sebastian no I don't want it"

He ignored me once again and then lifted his eyebrows, his eyes darken he was demanding me to eat it.

I couldn't play a bitch anymore I open my mouth allowing him to feed me his gaze move to my lips moving up to my eyes, I bite the onion rings an collected it from him, his gaze never left my eyes, I started to get nervous, his dark brown eyes looking at me, I started to imagine what happen this afternoon, his lips, his hand all over my body, how hard he was for me, his gaze then move to my lips, he licked his lips, I follow his gaze, just imagine how he tasted, I just want to taste it again, Sebastian moved closer to me until out lips was inched apart i could feel him breathing his hot breath again my face.

"Sebastian we have reached," Ava shouted walked towards us. We quickly pull away from each other,

"Yes it seems so" Sebastian muttered clearing his throat getting up from his seat and walking towards the cockpit to see Edward.

I didn't even know we landed I was distracted. I didn't even feel anything, I was rubbing my head i was confused. Edward opened the door and we walked out the Jet, as the door open I could feel the cold air against my skin. I folded my arms across my chest, hugging myself, it was snowing for some while now, the cold breeze was now coming in, Sebastian notice me shivering and placed his jacket over me, his body was against me I could feel his hot breath against my neck, his big arms around as he placed the jacket.

"Come on let's go, one of my men are here" he muttered, he grabbed my hands with his right hands and my suitcases in the other hand as we walked to the white Range Rover, Ava follow behind us. I was shocked to be honest I never saw this side of Sebastian and it's weird, he always mean to me.

I enter the car and he sit next to me at the back seat, he then told Ava to sit in front, at this point now it's getting even more weird, what is he up too. On the way to the safe house Sebastian was quiet he was gazing out the window, Ava was chatting up the drive, I was just resting my head on the window looking out.

What my life has come too, I married into a mafia family, now they are coming to kill me, my husband....... I flicked my hair away from my face,

oh my husband I don't know what to say about him and the way he makes me feel, that feeling like when I am with him I just feel so alive, I forget everything that happening in my fuck up life, I don't love him or anything like that it's just I want to always be around him I want him to protect me, fuck my daddy issues is kicking in, for fuck sake Yasmin, you are going crazy.



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