15. Is this a trap?

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I arrived at the compound, Alex and 3 other men came to escort me inside, "Alex talk to me how did this all start?" I asked him.

"Boss Leonardo came here saying you asked him to come stay here for the night, his nose was broken, he had blood on his clothes but I didn't question him, after 1 hour I saw like 9 SUV pulled up and men with guns, when I went to talk to Leonardo he attacked me, knocking me out" Alex stated.

"That fucking baster, he is going to destroy us if he keep fucking up everything his father has work for, everything I worked for", I said, as we enter my office.

I might hate the Don but also if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here.

"Alex I will need you to go back to Italy to see what's really going on, I don't know if Leonardo and his father are gonna want to kill me now, I want you to be a spy for me." I said to Alex, Alex is my right hand. Over the years he was one loyal partner I have ever worked with.

"As you command boss, I will leave tonight" he said, walking out of my office leaving me to contact some of my allies.

After hours later, I got a phone call ,it was from an unknown number, who could that be.

I accepted, "hello" in a curious tone.

There was a moment of silence

Then a soft but worried voice it was for sure not a male voice, it did sound familiar "Sebastian", with a long pause, "Sebastian it's me Maya, listen I know you don't want to see or hear from me right now but I need to tell you something it's about Leonardo" she said.

"Is this one of his plans?" I asked harshly.

"Its not a plan I swear, Sebastian I would never try to hurt you, I'm trying to protect you from Leonardo, I heard about the incident, Leonardo told the don, Sebastian.. " Maya said and pause "they are coming for you, Antonio, Leonardo and his men, Sebastian please stay safe" her voice break, " I can't lose you "

"This is not the first time he wanted to kill me, Antonio loves to bluff," I said, denying her madness.

"Sebastian please, it not a bluff this time, if it was I wouldn't have called you" she said

"Are you certain they are coming for me?" I asked curious

"Yess I am certain for God sake Sebastian" she shouted at me

I can't believe her, normally I would but I don't trust her anymore, maybe this is one of their plans to let her trick me.

"Why do this ?" I asked calmly

"Because I can't live with myself if I allow them to kill you, I love you Sebastian so much that I can't bear it, I know you are hurt ,I hurt you and you are upset but please put that aside and trust me" she said softly.

I chuckled "you think that's gonna make me forget what you did to me, what you did to Yasmin your own friend, Maya you ....." before I was going to yell at her she stopped me.

"Sebastian I apologize for what I did I allow Antonio to send his men to kill you, because my father focus me, Sebastian you know I will never hurt you I just didn't had a choice, I'm the next leader for American mafia I'm don next I need to make sacrifices for my family, so yeah I betrayed our love but now I wanna make that up to you, I wanna make you an offer"

She sighted "I have a safe house but it's all the way in London, you and Yasmin can go there, Leonardo doesn't know about that place Noone does except me, so please Sebastian accept this" she said.

I can't accept this I don't trust Maya, why would she do that even if she said she love me I still don't believe it , but then Yasmin her safety is all that matters should I accept it?, I question myself, but what if this is a trap, squeezing my cellphone in frustration.

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