23. You are no brother of mine

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Today is the day we end my brother

We are on our way over to his compound. Alex and I already sent a man over there to take out his guards at the front gate to create a distraction so we can attack him from the back, as we pull over at the sidewalk we sneak around the building.

"It clear" Alex said

"We need to get inside, he will be keeping Lisa in the dungeon that's way at the back" I said in a hot breath .

"Do we go through the front door or find away through some windows or something?" Alex asked

"Front door, we take out the rest of men in silent, put away the guns and take out your knife"

"Yes boss".

We quickly walked to the front door which had two men infront guarding they both with guns. I look over to Alex and signal him to hold a bit. We need a distraction. We couldn't take both of them at the same time. We needed to take them out one by one.

Whilst as I hid in the trees, one of the men walked toward me, as he got closer my grip on the knife got tighter I waited, I looked over and saw Alex already taken out one.

As the guard came closer I jumped out stabbing him in his neck and I knocked the gun out his hands, he choked on his own blood as he dropped to the floor, I picked up his M4 carbine and went over to Alex.

"You got blood on your face" Alex said

I wiped the spot of blood off my face,

"Open the door" I demanded Alex.

He reached out and opened the door as we entered. It was empty, it was silent.

"This is weird" I muttered

"Mhmm" Alex hummed

I walked towards the steps heading towards the dungeon, that's when I saw blood on the floors as I looked to my right where the door is to enter the room, I saw someone sitting on a chair .

"Lisa!" I called out, hoping it was Changretta's daughter, But as I got closer, someone came behind me. I heard someone reloaded their gun behind my head.

"Going somewhere brother"

"Leonardo" I grunted

"Surprised" he laughed

"Why are you doing this?" I asked

"Ohh well you see, father is dead because of that lil shit father" he yell pushing the pistol into my head aggressively.

"Isn't that a good thing he die, so you can finally be don, Isn't that what you always wanted?" I asked calmly, trying to persuade him.

"I... guess that's true but still" he pushed the gun more.

"Leonardo put the goddamn gun down and take me face to face like a man" I yell at him

"Put the gun down" he muttered "for what? So you can attack me" he yell

"I don't have to see your face to face to attack you stupid" I stated as I elbowed him in the belly, turning around like lightning speed grabbed the gun out his hand, then I pointed it at him. "You forget I train you boy" I smirked

"Fucking asshole" he growl on his knees.

"Now tell me where is Lisa?" I asked harshly

"Fuck off" he yell

"I will ask you again, Where is Lisa?" I yell, as I hit him in the head with the handle of the gun.

"This is who you are now Sebastian?" He stated, in pain

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