30. Attention seeker

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"Oh shit!!!" Ava screamed as she quickly jumped off Alex trying to cover herself with the sheet. Alex on the other hand quickly take a pillow to cover himself, "Sebastian i... umm.." he mumble searching for words to explain.

"I don't even wanna hear, get dressed and meet us in front" Sebastian grunted, He was pissed his voice was very strong. Sebastian take my hands in his leading me out the door as we head back in the elevator, I was speechless at this point, I can't believe what I just saw Alex and Ava what the fuck. As we waited to reach the bottom floor, Sebastian didn't say a word his grip on my hands was kinda tight.

"Sebastian " I called out for him, he was just staring into space,his jaw clenched. I can't even read his facial expression.

"Sebastian you're holding my hands very tightly it's starting to hurt" I said trying to bring him back into reality. He quickly realized I was talking to him and loosed my hands.

"Fuck I'm sorry about that" he murmured , holded my hands bring them up to his lips as he placed a soft kiss on them.

"Its ok, but are we gonna talk about what happen just now" , we stepped out the elevator going towards our bags we lefted

"They are just idiots," he muttered.

"I thought Ava had sense,"

I was disappointed with her at this point.

"She is weak, she always lets men use her. They would tell her something nice and all of a sudden she would do anything for them".

"Wow, I thought she was this strong independent woman I mean that's how she makes it looks like",

Sebastian let out a small laugh, "well part of that is true but she.., I don't know lack of attention from men, I mean when I was younger she use to always want Luca Changretta attention I think the two of them had something going on but whenever I ask her about him she would change the topic, so I did my own investigation and found out that. Changretta was in love with some other woman and Ava was going crazy over that, that's why she hates him now"

"Oh my god" I was speechless at this point, I didn't know Ava get down like that.

"My love there's a lot you don't know about Ava" Sebastian stated

"I guess so", damn all this time i thought that i actually knew her, well i guess not all about her because she does be secretive about her life.

"Oh look the love birds are here" Sebastian said in annoyed Ava and Alex rushing over towards us, the look on their faces was quite displeasing, I could tell they was kinda embarrassed.

"Sebastian, I'm sorry" Ava said quietly, playing with her hands downing her head.

"It just happened we weren't thinking straight, and also when you too were ." Alex mumble,

I lifted my eyebrows, Alex noticed my facial expression so he stopped himself from continuing, "I'm sorry" he muttered .

"Look I don't have time for this childishness, let's just go" I didn't really care what they did all I wanted was to go home.

"Ye-yes" Ava stuttered quickly grabbing her suitcase.

I grabbed my suitcase going toward the front door, they follow behind,

"Yas let me" Sebastian grabbed my suitcase. "Its not heavy", "you have been carrying mine just now, let me help you" he collected the suitcase.

"Ok now I feel weird not carrying any bags"

"You can carry mine" Alex chuckle walking pass me.

"Idiot" I mumble, but he just laughed which was making me even more mad, Alex and I don't get along maybe its because he is such an asshole, childish, stupid shit and a skunthole.

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