14. Feelings

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"Hey are you ok?" I said taken a seat next to her, she's sitting on her bed looking out the window in front of her, she had tears in her eyes, she didn't even acknowledge me.

"Hey look at me" I said softly, taking my hand to turn her face to face mine. She was still in tears her eyes all red, Leonardo hand was still printed on her cheek , I take my thumb and gently brush it against her cheeks her eyes glitter as she look into my eyes, my heart pounds I was afraid she wouldn't let me touch her or she would hate me, but she allow me.

"I'm sorry I brought him here tonight I thought " I try to apologize but she takes her hands and covers my mouth, "Sebastian don't, it's not your fault, it was his, so please don't blame yourself for your brother's stupidity" she muttered . She removed her hand from my mouth, and downed her head.

"Leonardo is gone now he won't hurt you again, if my brother ever touches you again I will kill him" i said my tone was cold.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause conflict between you and your brother. I know you have forgiven him" she said her eyes started to get watery again, I cupped her cheeks with my hands staring into her eyes.

"Don't, nothing matters anymore only your safety, I don't care about my brother or what he does, so don't hate yourself for thinking you ruin my family, because it was ruined before I met you" I said trying to make her feel comfort, I hate it when she cries. I wiped her tears away with my thumb, holding her face in my hands makes me feel something I have never felt before, was I falling for her?.

"Sebastian" her soft voice, she looked at me then her gaze moved to my lips. Fuckkkk she is going to ruin me.

"What's wrong?" I whisper between our lips, moving closer to her, she closed her eyes as I moved even more closer to her lips. I wanted to taste her , I just wanted to have her in my arms. I want her, and I hate this feeling. I'm not the man for her, she deserves better than me, I can't do this, she's not even clear in the head right now, I need to stop this.

"Yasmin," I whisper. Her eyes were still closed, I knew she wanted it.

"Yes" she whispered softly, opening her eyes and staring at my lips.

"We can't...."I try to stop this but fuckkkk I can't I want her I wanted to protect her, I have never felt this way ever about someone, it scares me. My heart rate raises I couldn't even breathe. I just had to taste those lips that are just begging to be kissed.

I Slammed my lips into hers,tasting her strawberry lips , she ran her finger through my hair, moving herself closer to me, I grabbed her waist pulling her up to my lap, I began to fuck her mouth with my tongue, destroying her, a soft moan escape from her, this made my cock harden, I grab her hips making her grind on my cock, my dick grow in my pants, just waiting to go into her sweet walls, she giggle underneath our kissed as she move her hips around me, I kiss her down to her neck, bitting and sucking on her on .

"Sebastian" she moans, I move my hand to her ass capping each in my hands squeezing them as she grinding on me in circler motion, "yess baby" i gasped, my pants can't even hold back my cock, she was driving me crazy, I need to have her, I released from the kiss, and capped her cheeks staring into her beautiful eyes, "I want you so fucking bad baby" I whisper,

"I want you too," she replied as she took my index finger, placing it in her mouth, she started to suck on it, wrapping her tongue around it, moving her head up and down, her eyes darkened, she had so much desire in her eyes, she wasn't my good girl anymore. I watch her every move , just imagine how it would feels if that was my cock in her mouth, I bite down on my lips just imagining it.

She then kissed me again pulling me in by my shirt collar then started to unbutton my shirt, she then proceeded to kiss me down my neck on to my chest, then moving up to kiss my lips again.

"Fuckk you are killing me" I growled, pulling away from the kiss grabbing onto her neck.

She smirked wickedly. As I was about to kiss her again my phone rang, I tried to ignore it, I continued to kiss her but then it kept ringing. "You should Answer that" she said releasing me. then moved over to the side.

O allowing me to grab my phone from my pocket, I answer it.

"This better be worth it" I growled

"Boss there is a problem in the compound, your brother bought men and they attacked us. we lost 4 of our men can you please get down here, our gates has been broken down also" Alex shouted on the other line. .

"Alright I'm coming" I said ending the call, I look over at Yasmin she was sitting here watching me curiously. "I got to go" I said

"What happened?" She asked

"Its Leonardo he sent men to kill my people, I need to go fix this" I told her, fixing my shirt.

"Sebastian I'm" she said, she was trying to apologize, but this wasn't her fault my brother acts like a dumb child. I go over to her placing my index finger on her lips

" Don't blame yourself for my dumb brother ok, now I really gotta go " I said I give her a small smile and then proceeded to take my leave.

"Be careful" she yells behind me as I walk out her room.

I nearly got everything, my brother had to fuck it up, my balls hurts I was propose have Yasmin in my fucking arm right now but instead I gotta go deal with this shit, I think to myself on my way to the compound.

I was about to have her, I didn't know what I was thinking though, maybe kissing her was a mistake, I can't get attach, but I feel so different when I'm with her she soo soft, warm, but with Maya is always just sex, holy shit Maya I forgot about her, I place my head on the steering wheel as I wait at the stop light, I forgot about a girl I dated for 1 year, am I piece of shit for that. Whatever, I don't care she betrayed me, I just hope she doesn't come into my life again and ruin it like what Leonardo is trying to do now. Why can't they be like Yasmin and i.



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