9. Mr protective

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2 weeks later

Maya and Leonardo got married, everything was so silent the pass weeks, Sebastian and i also signed our marriage papers, I am now officially a Martinez, couple days later we then moved to Germany , i have turn a dam housewife, well not really i got maids, i guess i have become a rich man wife every girl dream well most of them, since the wedding Sebastian was silent he barely even look at me. We didn't even heard from Maya or Leonardo i guess they on they honeymoon enjoying life. Sebastian barely even come home he always away, he maybe avoiding me but i don't blame him i don't even wanna see, but its kinda boring being in a big ass house with just the maids and no one to talk too, i can't even go outside without bodyguards its annoying, my phone has been taken away as well, all i got to do is be home watching movies eating getting fat i guess waiting for husband to get home. i roll my eyes laying back down looking at the trees in the garden, married life is the best.

"Mrs Martinez, someone is at the door for you" one of our maid said.

'' Are you sure someone is at the door Ava , because we haven't get guest here since i move in" i asked"

"Mrs Martinez i am sure the guards just told me" Ava said. Ava is the head maid in this house she makes sure everything is well clean and set, she looks like she is in her 50s she has blond long hair, blue eyes she is also pretty, she doesn't look her age . Sebastian told me she been with since he was teenager she's like his second mom, Ava is nice person she is a kind soul to me.

"alright let us go see who have came" I said to her, we both went downstair and approach the front door, and I saw Kaya she was standing there her eyes was scanning the entire place, she saw me and shouted "Yasmin!! " Kaya hug me tightly and she giggle,

"Omg come in" I invite her into my house.
"what are doing here I thought you went back Guyana" I said to her, she released me and smiled.
"I didn't worry go home I wanted to see you first, I miss you so much" she said hugging me again, I hug her back tightly, "I miss you too Kaya literally I do but how did you know I'm in Germany?" I asked her curiously, I didn't tell Kaya anything about me leaving I know I should have but I couldn't Sebastian didn't want me telling anyone where we was going when I ask why he wouldn't even answer me.

"Maya told me " Kaya said.

"What, you talk to that bitch?" I ask her in a harsh tone, I know I shouldn't be angry but I can't help myself, I just hate her.

"I know you don't like her after what she did but you do know we was friends and she still thinks I'm her friend, I bump into her a week back at the bar we use to go too and she seem different I guess stress she wasn't looking like Maya you know the rich daddy brat kinda way and the fashion clothing, she was looking like shit now"
Kaya said.

"I wonder why maybe Leonardo got her going crazy or her daddy is getting broke" I replied.

"I don't know but umm she told me you was in Germany so I came, soooo how is your husband? " Kaya asked with a big stupid smile on her

"Don't even think about that because we are not" I said but she cut me off, "your not fucking or anything like that bro " Kaya said

"Bro nooo, it not like that okkk Sebastian and I are not like that we might be marry but we don't live like that, I haven't even see him he's always working and whenever he is home he don't even talk to me, my marriage is not what I thought I would have want you know marrying the person you love and stuff and now I got this, a marriage where the husband and wife can't even look at each other, a marriage with no love "
I said. it's not like I want him to love me or anything like that, I just want him to talk to me be my friend, respect me until we can actually get a divorce, but he push me away, I'm here in this dam house I can't even go outside because he said so like I'm going crazy.

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