7. My Rules

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The next day

After the doctor came to look after Sebastian, he left and give me some medication to give Sebastian daily till he fully recovered, right about now Sebastian is still asleep I'm awake just making some breakfast to eat, today is the day His stupid father will come with the papers for our married agreement. I can't believe Leonardo would do this to me after everything he lied to me for years and now he will be marrying my best friend Maya, Maya also agreed, Sebastian was right, all they care about is money and power I should have known sooner.
I finish cooking these pancakes, I then head to go wake Sebastian to give him something to eat.

"Sebastian" I said and touched him on  his arm
he barely open his eyes to look at me
"what is it?" he grunted  angrily.
"no need to be angry dumbass I was just trying to give you something to eat" I said, rolling my eyes at him.
he then got up and sat on the bed and I gave him his plate
"since when you cook?" He ask with a curious look
" always" I said with a smile.
he then started to eat the pancakes ."its decent" he said
I rolled amy eyes in annoy because of his comment, " don't do that its annoying" he said
"stop speaking and i will stop rolling my eyes dumbass" I answer angrily
he chuckled,I could hear his sweet laugh its sound like music to my ears making me wanna laugh too, this moment made me completely forget what had happened these past days to be honest.
"So is this gonna be my wife a woman who doesn't listen or obey me?”Sebastian said coldly .
"well yes, I don't take shit from no one" I said
"When you're married to me you need to listen to me, stop being a rude bitch" he said his voice changed at this point when he said that.
"Excuse me, first of all you don't own me. I can do what I want, say what I want and you can't do shit about it" I shouted at him.
who the fuck he think he is, he can't rule me. he is messing with the wrong bitch.
"I can't do shit, you know what maybe I should call my father and turn down the agreement, and let you die and your family" he said
"if you turn down that agreement you will be dead too you know"
"I don't care if I die, so that wouldn't be a problem for me" Sebastian replied and he looks dead serious.
"fuck off, I'm only doing this for my family to be safe , you think I care if you die, that wouldn't be a problem for me" I said with anger
"if you didn't care why did you save me that night, why am I even here in your bed eating breakfast, why give me my medicine huh?" he said with a fucking smirk on his face .
"I only do this for Leonardo because you are his brother, I didn't do this for you"
"you find out what Leonardo did and you still keep me in and look after me" he said still smiling.

It was true this even though I got fuck over I still I don't care, to be honest I felt sorry for him, but also if he die I would have die too.
"I did it because if you die I will die you fucking ass" I grunted
"you have a point " he said, his cold gaze stare into my soul, “still that doesn't answer my question love?”.
I take a deep breath and got up I couldn't deal with him right now,no head to the door and make my way downstairs to do  the dishes and clean the house, i like my place clean always people say I'm crazy because I would get angry when my place is dirty, but it's who I am,and this help me keep my mind off this shit.



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