28. The pleasure

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We are here at The Princess Hotel, I'm here sitting waiting, getting out of patience to be honest, I didn't come home to be like this again. I came back to see my family, to walk freely, but now it's the same shit again.

Alex was looking out the windows. He even had a damn sniper next to him, Ava on the other hand was watching tik tok on my phone, she is keeping herself occupied.

"Its 6:30 pm man can I atleast go get something to eat, I'm hungry" I asked Alex, calmly.

"No, this place is filled with many people who can find you anywhere," he stated.

"Well you get the food"

He turned to look at me, raising his left eyebrows, "what!" I yell

"Fine I will go, but you two stay up here and lock this door, stay away from the windows, keep down always" he warned us.

"Yes yes we got it now goo I'm hungry".

"Ava" I mumble

But she didn't even acknowledge me she was busy. "Bro" I mumble rolling my eyes. "Ava!!" I yell.

She jumped, "What is it?" She shouted, panicking.

"Good, I got your attention," I said, grabbing my phone from her.

"I'm sorry Yasmin, I just got carried away, I never had toktok"

"Tiktok" I corrected her,

"Yes the tiktok, or whatever you called it"

"Yes. umm so I sent Alex to get us some food, he is supposed be back in a minute or so"

"OH that's good because I'm really hungry" she rubbed her belly.

"I need to take a shower, Alex warned me not to open the door only for him and to stay away from the windows ok" I got up from my bed heading to the bathroom.

She nodded and collected back my phone going on tiktok again, she's addicted now.

18 minutes Alex came back with our dinner, "that was long, what happened downstairs?" I asked

"I didn't know what to choose. It had a lot of different food, they give me something called pepper pot, with bread. I didn't know if you eat beef so I collected chicken, beef, and pork for dessert cheesecake because I don't know what to choose ok" he said uncertainly.

"Its ok, I will take the beef by the way, the best choice, you know how long I want to eat a Guyanese pepper pot" I said, dishing out my food.

"I have never try that before, I will take the pork" he said.

"Great I got the chicken" Ava said.

"Eat up yall" i laughed, as I began to eat. It's tasted so good, I have missed this place,the food especially .

"This is good, " Alex muttered sucking his fingers.

"Yep" Ava also joined in complimenting the food.

After we finished eating everyone got back to their place, Alex was still at the window with his sniper, Ava was asleep she was tired, I was on my phone, looking through social media.

All of a sudden Alex's phone started to ring, he quickly answered it.

"Yes boss" he muttered,

I sat there quietly waiting for him to finish so I could find out who it was.

After awhile he ended the called

"I will see to it" he stated coldly. ending the call placing his phone back in his pockets.

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