22. See you soon

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3 days later

"Ava I'm fine it's just a cold" I said trying to grab the tissues

"Yasmin you need to drink some medication before you get a fever" Ava placed her hands on my forehead checking to see if I got a fever. I was out on the balcony last night, I couldn't sleep My mind is just taken up with Sebastian wondering if he's safe, I miss him so much.

"Ava!!" I yell irritated

"Your warm it's not a fever your lucky, but you still need to drink something for that cold" she stated

"I will drink something later", blowing my nose.

"I will make you some soup" she stated.

"That would be nice"

I headed to the living room to watch the TV, as I was about to put on the TV my phone rang. Who could that be? , "Sebastian" I mumbled to myself, I quickly ran to my phone which was on the counter in the kitchen.

I picked up the phone, "hello" I muttered.

"Hey Angel" said with a heavy voice

"Sebastian" I muttered.

"Mhmm" he hummed

"Are you ok" i asked worry

He chuckled, "I'm ok, are you ok?"

"Ye-Yes I'm alright" I stated with my hoarse voice.

"Are you sure, because to me you sound a little different there"

"Well I got a little cold it's no biggie"

I replied

"Make sure to drink some medication for that, by the way you umm......... you sound even more sexy with your hoarse voice" he chuckle

"Oh do I?" I smirked

"Yes my Angel" he whisper through the phone, I bite down on my bottom lips.

"Don't bite your lips, only I can bite them"

"Wh--- what how?" I Stutter, how did he know i... you know what never mind let me just change the topic.

He chuckle behind the phone.

"Anyways, did you find Leonardo?" i asked.

"Yes, we found him apparently he is keeping Lisa at his compound in Milan" he said

"When will you attack him?" I asked curiously.

"Tomorrow that's why I called you" his voice breaked

My heart dropped I felt like the whole world was closing in "Sebastian don't, you promise you will come back to me, that you will be safe and you will defeat that bastarder" I grunted

"I did it's just we are out of men Changretta and I and what 20 men left, we are out I can't make allies the Russians wanted to kill us the Germans we sent in a request but no response. Yas I don't know what will happen and I..... just wanted to say i......." He said but I stopped him, I know what he wanted to say and I wouldn't allow him to say it not like this.

"Sebastian don't if you wanna tell me something say it when you get back" I said

"Yeah you're right if I want to tell you something I should tell you to your face not over a damn phone. Don't worry I will see you soon, I promise" he said

"Yes I will see you soon, now you go deal with that bastarder , save that girl and come home to me", I know this would be hard on him its a risk he going to take, but something is telling me that he will be ok.

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