21. Old man

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I woke up laying on my bed alone, I passed my hands over to the other side of the bed to feel if Sebastian was here, I closely opened my eyes when I felt it was empty. I slowly got up from my bed, I wiped my eyes for me to see clearly, "what time is it?" I mumbled to myself as I checked my phone. "7:30 pm wow, why did I even wake up", my belly started to grumble. I need to get something to eat, as I walked pass my dresser I saw a little note, I picked up the letter.

Hey my Angel, I know by the time you see this I will be gone, I wanted to wake you up to tell you I was leaving for Italy but you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you. Please don't worry too much. I will be fine, I made a promise to you that I will come back to you and I am intending to keep my word.Please stay inside and be safe my pretty Angel.

Fuck Sebastian why do you do this if anything happens to you i........

My eyes started to get watery, just thinking about all the way he can get hurt I know Sebastian is strong but , Leonardo he is stronger he has power, he has people all over the place, I sighed I just hope they save that little girl though, Leonardo is an asshole he has gone too far, kidnapping a child from her family what's wrong with him. I think to myself,

I put down the note and decided to go downstairs.



"Mr Changretta" I said calmly as I gave him a hug.

"Sebastian, you actually showed up" he said in joy, hugging me back tightly.

"I see age has caught up with you" I joked, Changretta never likes when we tease him about his age or how he looks, to him he's always young, man never told us his real age but I know he's 54, but he would always deny it.

"Watch your mouth boy, I'm only 41 years old" he chuckled.

"Yea right " I chuckle

All of a sudden everything went silent. Changretta bowed his head, "I'm sorry about your wife" I muttered.

Changretta's face expressing falls.

"I got my revenge, I kill that bastard I just wish he punish before he die" Changretta said in a cold tone.

"But now his stupid son had taken my little girl the only thing i got left, he killed my men, Sebastian I will kill your brother and I don't care if you like it or not, if you get in my way I will have to kill you too" he said coldly. And I believe he would kill me.

"Trust me I want my brother dead as much you do, I came here for a reason"

"Come sit" Changretta pointed at a seat across from him. We ended up meeting up at an old place, Changretta use to take me when I was a kid, he use to take me here every time he is in town, Antonio use to get mad about it, he even use to punish me everytime I came back home, but I never care at all, those little moments I spend with Luca Changretta was worth it.

I take a seat, I clear my throat "so umm tell me, you got any lead on Leonardo?"

Changretta, rubbed his temple, in frustration.

"No......No leads , Sebastian if he harms her, I swear......" Changretta's tone changed, he was angry.

"Leonardo wouldn't harm her he is just trying to mess with you he wants to play with your emotions, Leonardo is a stupid boy his plans wouldn't last long"

"He is Don now after I killed his father, he even took over Maya family, she was to become Don for the American mafia he take that away from her, he is getting out of control. He is too young to have that much power"

"I sent Alex to track him down, don't worry we will find him and kill him, my brother is dumb Alex knows his whereabouts" I said.

"Alex that chicken brain?" Changretta ask

"Mhmm" I chuckle

Changretta sighed, "he better do a good job because I don't like wasting my time behind fools"

"I know Mr Changretta, Alex will find him" I stated.


This chapter is Kinda short, I'm getting lazy these days 🖤

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This chapter is Kinda short, I'm getting lazy these days 🖤

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