41. The spy

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"Yasmin get up!!" Kaya kicked me with her left foot. We were sleeping together and I told her to set the alarm but this bitch took off the alarm and decided to be my alarm clock by picking violence early morning. "Bitch what time is it?" I asked trying to open my damn eyes.

"6:30 we were supposed to wake at 6 I know but I needed more time" she said.

"Bro...." I rubbed my temple then slowly got up from my bed grabbing my phone, I saw Ava sent me a message, I opened it "Hey I am over by Sebastian he called me and said Alex nor Umar came" she stated. "Those two skunthole!" I mumble but loud enough for Kaya to hear.

"What happen?" She got up sitting on the bed beside me.

"Those two didn't show up where did they go"

"Umm i don't know Umar didn't even texted me or nothing" she said in a worry tone.

"Do you think something happen or?" I ask.

"I don't know let's wait and see if they show up" she got off the bed, and looked down at me who was just sitting here worrying if something happened. "Don't worry I am sure everything is fine, those two drunks mussy sleeping somewhere" she said, "your right" I sighed, "lets go get the day started, we have alot to get done",

"Lead the way booboo" Kaya said, pulling me up from my bed.

We head downstairs where I saw Ava and mom getting the Food and everything ready to carry to the venue, since my mom wanted me to Marry in a Islam, I accept it so we booked in on the Olge mosque which wasn't far from where my mom live, Sebastian and I already setted up the place nicely, most of the guests will be their only my aunties will be here with me, until I am ready to leave.

"There is the bride," my mom said excitedly as she came running over to me and placing a kiss on my cheeks. I smiled to see how happy she was. "The bride needs to go bathe she skin because I need to get her ready then myself then you two" Kaya said, she was already in her working mode.

Ava chuckled "Don't worry about me, I got myself covered with the make up, you worry about those two" Ava said, as she placed the roti into the boxes.

"Oh alright Kylie Jenner" Kaya said she was being so sassy this morning.

"Okkkkk that's enough you two go get ready" My mom demanded pushing both Kaya and I out the kitchen.

But Kaya kept on talking about how good she was when it comes to make up, I just laughed the entire time.



1 hour past

I was fixing my tie when I heard the doorbell ring, "Alex" I mumbled as I headed down to open the door, it was Umar he was standing there well dressed with his desi outfit.

"I'm Here sorry, meh late Alex and me drink too much last night and we passed out in meh bus" Umar said as he entered my house.

"Of course He did, where is Alex did he come with you?" I asked. Alex always behaves so irresponsible he doesn't care, I already warn him about drinking so much.

"Oh no he get a phone call and borrowed my car to go to the airport," Umar said. He's on his way to collect Mr Changretta that good.

"Yes he had to go pick up a friend of mine" I said

"Oh well that nice it's shame this friend of yours came in the wedding day he should have been last night"

"Yeah he got the news late" I chuckled awkwardly.

A silence was then there between us, I could even hear the bird whistling. "Will you excuse me? I have to fix my tie, please make yourself at home". I said breaking the silence, Umar nodded and I went off to my room.

When I entered my room I heard my phone vibrate , I picked up my phone from the bed. Opening it I saw like 50 missed calls from both Alex and Mr Changretta. Well this is off, did something happen, I started to get worried I quickly called back Alex. After 3 rings he picked up.

"Sebastian where the fuck were you man!" , Alex yell angrily.

"I was downstairs, what's going on?" I asked concerned.

"That fucking whore Maya is here in Guyana and she is coming after you and Yasmin", Alex shouted on the other end, "how the fuck how did she find us!" I shouted coldly, I was fucking piss now how the fuck this bitch keep finding me.

"She knows Yasmin is a Guyanese Of course she would have known you will come here, but also there is a spy among us" I heard Changretta in the background.

"Spy?" I asked, now this one I was more worried about, because the only person here with me is Alex and Ava, they would never do anything to hurt me nor Yasmin.

"Yes a spy and if you are thinking it's me it's not because you know I would never" Alex said clearing his name, but I believe him, I know Alex and Ava for too long for them to betray me like that. "I know it's not you idiot" I grunted. Then my mind went to Yasmin if she is safe is the spy with her I panic for fuck sake, I need to go get her.

"Where are you two going now?" I asked

"We are going to stop that Bitch Maya, you need to get your wife in a safe place now" Changretta stated. Before even saying anything I quickly ended the call, ran downstairs where I saw Umar.

"We have to go get Yasmin now!" I demanded.

"What, what going on?" He said confused.

"Don't have time to talk right now I will tell you later but right now your sister is in danger", I know Yasmin wanted her family out of this, and I was willing to do that but Maya wouldn't let me go, I should have kill her when I have gotten the chance, I was so stupid to allow her to live.

"Come on" Umar said, rushing to his bus, I entered then he drove off as fast as he could. I tried to call Yasmin but her phone kept going to voicemail. Fuck I can't let her get hurt, I can't let that bitch lay a hand on my wife not only my wife my baby if she hurt her, she can hurt my baby, the thought of that made my blood boil, I clenched my jaw, if she touch my wife I swear I will end her this time without hesitating. I am so fucking stupid for thinking people can change but I guess Maya and Leonardo they are too fuck up in the head for change.



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