42. I am not losing you again

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"Kaya I think this is soo much makeup, I mean it looks nice and all but my face looks fake '' I said to her, I already got ready, Kaya was finished with my makeup but I didn't like how much makeup I was wearing, especially the hot red lipstick.
"Bro it's finee you look pretty" she said putting on my eyeliner which was some long as wings.
"Its too much "
"Girl shut yuh skunt and tek what you get eh" Kaya said harshly I think she was fed up with me complaining.
"Bitch!, it's my wedding day I am not fucking going to the carnival skunt!" My voice was harsh as well, I wasn't about to take her shit.
She rolled her eyes and proceeded to do what she was doing , like she skunt deaf. When she gone me go tek off this thing watch and see, I think to myself.
"Done, look how pretty you look, this make up really matched the wedding dress" she said. That bitch was lying.
"Mhmm" I didn't wanna start another fight so I just agreed.
Kaya packed her make up bag up and left to get dress, when she shuts the door behind me I quickly grabbed my make-up wipes and removed the make up, if she asked I will just say I was crying, yes that is a good excuse I think.
"Yasmin!!!" I heard a heavy voice behind me as the door flew open. I quickly turned around when I saw Sebastian and my Brother in a rush. They were both panting heavily. "OK what going on?" I asked.
"We have go now, Sebastian" grabbed my arms.
"What!, what going on?" I was confused. "Maya is here she is looking for us we need to go somewhere safe now!" Sebastian stated angrily, he pulled me and rushed me out of the house, without me saying a word I just ran. My brother was behind us running as well, we reached the front gate where my mom and Ava were, my other family members were confused and they all stared at us. "Where yall going?" My mom shouted running over to us.
"I apologize for the interruption but Yasmin and I have to go now, we will explain later" Sebastian said softly to my mom, "Ava let's go" he then muttered. My brother already was in the bus ready to leave, but I couldn't bring him into my problems, "Umar you can't come, this isn't your place" I said. He stepped out the bus and came closer, "your husband told me everything Yasmin, you don't have to hide it anymore" he stated. My eyes widen, how is he ok with this, "this life is dangerous I can't put you in danger, you wasn't supposed to know about this" I said tear flood my eyes. "What is he talking about, know about what?" My mom then asked harshly, "Sebastian is will was in the mafia, now his ex girlfriend is after them" Umar blurred out without caring. My mom froze, her expression was an awe, "mom" I mumble. "What the fuck Yasmin!!" She shouted. "Mom i.." my voices crumble. "You lie to me all these years, I sent you Italy to get your education, to fucking get a better life and you destroy it by Joining that fucking Mafia, not only that you Marry into the damn family" she was angry her voice was strong, she look at Sebastian her eyes were fill with disappointment and tears. "Mrs Salvatore, it's my fault,my family forced her to live this life, that's why now I am trying to save her from it. Now can we please put this discussion on hold because a crazy bitch is after us!!" Sebastian yelled he didn't care about this he wanted me to get to safety first and I didn't blame him. My mom look at both of us in anger, she was about to say something but then 2 SUV pulled up blocking our entrance. "Fuck" Sebastian grunted, he grab onto my hands tightly as he look at me he frowned "its going to be ok" he said making sure I didn't panic.
"Mrs Salvatore, Umar please go inside now!" Sebastian demanded them. Umar nodded grabbing my mom and taking her inside. "Ava go with them" Sebastian said but Ava ignored and stood there next to me.
My gaze got back to the cars, 3 men stepped out the first car with all black suits, and they all were American, Of course Maya is American she will get her father's men by her side, she is such a spoiled brat. At the last car that when the 2 guard open the door allow her to step out like if she was some kinda queen, it's was so cringe of her Like bro, I chuckle, Sebastian notice and he smirked "this is so cringe who she think she is" I mumble quietly. "Princess Diana '' Sebastian mumble.
"You mean bootleg Diana" we both try to hold in our laugh.
She walked towards us with a big smile and of course she got 2 men behind her 2 infront like bro this can't even get more funnier.
"Miss me?" She asked her tone was joyful, "not really i always see you most of the time crawling around in the garbage, rat" Sebastian said coldly.
She chuckled "you are so funny darling that's what I love about you".
Her gaze then went over to me, she was looking at me up to down like if I got dirt on me, this bitch really started to get on my nerves now. "Hello bestie" she waves with a stupid smile . "Hello rathole" I said with a smile, I wasn't afraid of her, I have gone through some much shit that I didn't care anymore, she didn't make sense to me, all I wanted was her to be dead. Her eyes widen when called her that, maybe because it's true,
"You have always been so disrespectful, I don't know why Sebastian would ever choose you over me, maybe because you work your voodoo on him , I hear a lot of you Caribbean people. This bitch didn't just say that, "maybe I should work my voodoo on you, but such a ashamed, you are so nasty and disgusting it wouldn't work, I think you have been punishing enough I kinda feel sorry for you" I said without a care in the world.
She laughed loudly like a fucking dying donkey , so pathetic, "Maya what do you want I am starting to get bored" Sebastian said coldly without a expression on his face.
She stop laughing, then folded her arms "Well I am here to bring you back to Italy, I told you this isn't over, i will come back and have my revenge "
Sebastian squeezed my hands, as he clenched his jaw, he stared at Maya with hatred in his eyes.
"Oh Come on you just gonna admire me now love, I know you miss me" she giggled. This bitch is really fucking delusional .
Her eyes then moved to Ava who was standing behind me, "Ava my slave I mean bestie now" she said waving at her.
"Bestie?" Sebastian said looking over at Ava confused.
Ava downed her head "I told her where we're staying I am sorry" Ava said pulling out a pistol behind her back pointing it at us. "What the fuck Ava!" Sebastian shouted at her and he pull me behind protecting me. "Ava?" I muttered in disappointment, tears flooded my eyes, I accepted her, I give her a second chance, all this time she used us. "I am sorry Yasmin" Ava muttered and pointed the gun toward me and Sebastian. "Why, what did Maya do ?" Sebastian asked, I know he was disappointed he looked at Ava like a mother she was family to him. "She didn't do anything, I wanted to help her, Maya is future Don and I wanted her to rule with you Sebastian", how can she say this, Maya just called her a Slave and she was still on her side all these years she hated Maya was that all a lie.
Maya laughed at our reaction, she was loving it, she even started to clap her hands together, "Ava put the gun down we can talk about this ok" Sebastian said calmly, Ava hands was shaking, I still didn't believe she would betray us, maybe this is a act of hers.
"Talk?, Sebastian you are the son of Luca Changretta for fuck sake your mother lied to you, she is whore, You are not Antonio Son nor some random man she lie to you about, you are the true Don, I can't stand her and to see you waste your life away with Yasmin it stupid, she has nothing offer you, Maya do, with Maya by your side we could be bigger stronger" Ava shouted.
I watch as Sebastian loses my hands as he stood there cold as ice with not even a expression. I know something in him was crushed. "Ava enough!" I yell at her, stepping infront of Sebastian as she pointed the gun to me, "you are the most ungrateful person ever, we open our heart you, trusted you, I brought you in my home with my family ... you fucking bitch!!, .... ohhh I know... I know why you did this it's because you hate Changretta so you use his son to get back at him, just because he didn't wanted a fucking whore, you were just his whore and you wouldn't accept that huh?" I yell in her face with anger, I was done being nice I am done getting fool by these nobody. "You wanna shoot me go ahead do it I don't care anymore, do it!!" I shouted at her, Ava eyes widen, I know she was shock to see me like this, I always been soft ,kind person, especially to her. She betrayed me.
"Yasmin!" Sebastian grunted , I then looked at him with tears in my eyes, I can't stop myself, I was hurt it felt like something in me was crushed. "No one is dying today, especially not you, not my child," he muttered coldly. "Maya you want me to go with you find I will go, we will go back to my old life but if you lay a hand on Yasmin, I will make sure to finish you and everything you ever own without any hesitation mark my words" he blurred out without even thinking twisted his tone was sharp as he clenched his hands together.
Maya smiled "you have my word" she smiled after hearing what she wanted. "Come along then" she said, turning her back and heading to her car. "What no!" I shouted, grabbing onto Sebastian's arms. "You are not leaving... you are not leaving our child" I said placing my hands over my belly.
Sebastian turned and embraced me tightly, my face slammed into his chest as I grabbed onto his back holding on for bare life. "Please" I muttered in tears. Maya is breaking up our lives again she keep coming back and destroying everything, my heart ache as my eyes pour, "shh my angel, I have to do this, I promise you I will come back to you and our child, I just need to find a way to kill that bitch" he whisper into my ears, making sure Ava and Maya doesn't hear. But I didn't want this life I want Sebastian to be here I want him to see his unborn child grow up, "no I wouldn't let you go, I can't do this alone , I need you Sebastian please, we can find another way please" I begged as I hold onto him tightly. "Baby I wish but right now we can't do anything because we are surrounded by arm men".
It's true right now we didn't had a choice. If we try to fight back we will surely die, Sebastian going with her was the only choice. But I couldn't let go I just couldn't , I can't bare to lose him, "Baby look at me" he said softly capping my cheeks, I stare into his eyes with sorrows, his eyes were red and watery as well he frown "Be strong remember my promise you ?"
I closed my eyes for a second, as I remember what he told me that night in Italy that he will always come back to me. I open my eyes as I frown, "yes" I whisper.
"Trust me on this ok"
I nodded, tears dropped onto his hands. He quickly wiped my tears away and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"For fuck sake Hurry up already" Maya yell in annoyed.
Sebastian growled at her "wait!!"
He then turn his attention back to me "I love you and this unborn child" he place his hand my my belly rubbing it. "I love you so fucking much" my voice crumbled as I try to manage my emotions. Sebastian pressed his hands against mine "I know baby" he whispered between our breaths. All of a sudden he let go of me and walked away. "Sebastian, please" I cried out but he keep walking, I felt the pain all over again the day when he left me, and both time was because of Maya, I drop to the flood as I couldn't bare the pain anymore, the man I love will never be safe as long she's alive she's always going come back and ruin everything all over again.
Ava walked behind him as they both headed to the car, Sebastian didn't look back or anything, I know he only did this to protect us but I can't lose him not again. But yet I can't do anything about it. Tears pour until I can't even cry anymore, my inside felt numb. I can't feel anything, I just stare in silence. Until..



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