40. That took a turn

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It's been a joyful evening, when we got downstairs I saw Sebastian, Alex and my brother having some kinda dance off which was super crazy, everyone had to clear the dance floor, I was shocked to see Sebastian throw some moves which was soo hilarious, he is known to be a big strong, dangerous, most aggressive and angry man but now he was a dancer who would have known. Kaya and I even joined in with them after they declared the winner, which was my brother, of course they couldn't beat a coolie Bai to dance Indian and hip pop music especially when the rum hit them. After that everyone was just dancing the night away. Kaya on the other hand disappeared half of the evening again leaving me, but it was fine I had Sebastian and we were all dancing.

The night was already over and people were already going home, and I still had to tell my husband I was pregnant, I was scared to tell him and I don't even know why.

"My love I will be going now" Sebastian came behind me and placed a kiss on my shoulder. "Alright.. text me when you reach" I replied capping his left cheeks, Sebastian was going to our home and I will be staying with my mom and Kaya for the night after all Tomorrow is our big day and we both needed some rest, it was almost 12 am so we are pretty tired from all the craziness that happen tonight. But as all that happened I still needed to tell him, and I should I need to, he needs to know this. "Sebastian can we talk?" I asked nervously.

He held my shoulders with both hands turning me around to face him, my gaze might his and he frowned "What's wrong?" He asked concern. "Nothing really I just need to tell you something important" why am I shaking its not even a big deal, well it is, I think Sebastian would run away and just leave me, what the fuck is wrong with me he would never, focus Yasmin. "Yasmin, you know, can tell me anything, what's going on," he ask calmly.

I looked around to see if anyone was gonna hear me, and I whispered "i.. am pregnant" . I felt something was lifted off my chest when I told him, but I was still nervous to see his reaction.

Sebastian froze, his eyes widened, his jaw clenched, I can't read him.

But then his eyes might mine and a smile form, "My love is this for real?" He asked, his face still cold, "Yes" I mumble nervously.

"Baby you have no idea how happy you just made me" he said in an excited but emotional tone, as he embraced me by hugging me .lifting up in the air, I laughed at how happy he got. Now thinking back to when I was so nervous and afraid to tell him, now look at him.

"I love you" he murmured as he put me down to my feet, he then placed a kiss on my lips. "I love you" I whisper between our lips. We then parted and Sebastian asked

"That pregnancy test that Kaya had that was...?"

"Mine, I didn't wanna say anything before" I said, lowering my head.

"You should have told me my love, you have know idea how good this is, we can finally start our family" he said, capped my cheek making me look up at him. "I should have, I was just so nervous and afraid, I was thinking you wouldn't want this"

"What nonsense you're talking about my love" Sebastian stopped me "I always wanted to start a family with you, but just never said anything because I wanted you to be ready".

"Really?" My eyes might his as I started to get emotional again.

"Yes" he Placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I am sorry for not telling you sooner" now I feel like shit, I always thought Sebastian hated the thought of starting a family , because of his background but it turns out I was wrong, really wrong.

"Don't apologize my love it's alright the thing is you told me ok" he pulled me in for another hug, my face pressed against his hard chest inhaling his perfume, and the scent of whiskey all in one.

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