5. The Don

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There were four men standing in front of my door their were all muscular and very tall they all had guns in their hands, I just stood there in shock looking at them, one of the man said.

"Oh hello dear, so where are you hiding Sebastian?" he asked with a wicked smile on his face.

"I- I he is not here" i stutter

"oh come on love no need to lie, we know he is here". he said as he push me in the house and point the gun to my head.

I started to panic as he pointed the gun to my head, they other three men went and look around my house.

I was worried what if they find Sebastian they really would have kill.

"so you are the pretty little Guyanese bitch Leonardo was fucking" he said

"fuck off" I yell, I finally got the courage to answer back.

"I see she is feisty too, too bad he choose Mrs Hernandez" he said and started to laugh

tears drop from my eyes, I have never been hold by gun point is this how my life gonna be now, I didn't know Leonardo was a mafia. He always acted so different around me all this time he was hiding a lot from me.

"Lorenzo! we found him" the other man said as he pull Sebastian out the room and down the stairs, Sebastian was really hurt so he couldn't fight or do anything, he pushed Sebastian to the floor next to me.

"please don't hurt him" I begged

"Shut up bitch " the man said and slapped me in the face.

"Don't touch her!" Sebastian yelled , he was in very bad pain, his stitches were open and they were bleeding.

"you bastard" he said and started to kick him.

"please stop it, he is badly hurt can't you see that " I shouted in tears hoping they would stop.

"he will be dead anyway so we wanted to make it painful just like his father said" the man said and smirked

"so my father put you up to this shit, you all are his bitch now " Sebastian said and started to laugh

he point the gun to his head aggressively, "actually your father will be coming over here just now to do it his self so keep talking cogliona" (fucker)

"so this was his plan sending you to just find me, what he couldn't find me by himself"

"actually your brother find you here because he had a camera set up in this house so he see everything that goes on here" the man said

what the hell he just say, so Leonardo was spying on me for the longest while now, wtf is wrong with him. I look at Sebastian who was just bleeding his face was busted blood was everywhere but he still sit there

"boss is here" one of the man said to let us know he is here.

there he was Sebastian and Leonardo father the don , he was wearing a black suit, he look like the older version of Leonardo, he entered.

"Hello Sebastian" he said with a deep ass voice.

"Fottuta stronzo" (Fucking assole) Sebastian shouted in Italian.

"it for the best" his father said in replied with a calm voice

he looks over at me, "you must be that Guyanese girl I heard my son has been dating, he got tasted I must say" he said while given me a look that just turn me off completely, like a fucking pervert.

I turn my face away from him, only for him to get mad and hold me by my neck and choke me. " i don't like girls that have attitude toward me" he said with anger, tightening his grip.

"let her go" Sebastian pleaded

he laughed " boys don't she make a good whore for us to put in our strip club?" he asked the other men.

when I heard that my heart drop, I felt like if my life didn't worth anything anymore.

"yes she does I will fuck her, until she can't even walk anymore, not only that our customers will enjoy her"

as tears drop from my eyes when I heard that, is that my life now, people treat me with no respect, I have turn a garbage, tears pour from my eyes.

they all laughed at that.

he then look at Sebastian " you are a disgrace to me , I should have never taken you in as my son your mother was whore she also was a disgrace"

"I never ask you too, i never ask you to raise me" Sebastian speaks

"I didn't want you to be on streets because your mother will never married me" he said

"being on the streets would be more better then being with you" Sebastian replied.

"watch your mouth boy you should be grateful I taken you in as my own"

"your own, you hated me from day one, you just take me in because you wanted my mother. And in the end you treat her like shit" sebastian stated

"let just say I have many regrets and your mother was one of them" he said

Sebastian get up with his lil bit of strength left and punch his father by the face but he take it like a G he didn't move, Sebastian on the other hand fill back down in pain.

"you son of a bitch" his father said and started to kick Sebastian.

"enough please" I shouted

they all look at me like if I was crazy

"how can you do that to your son" I shouted with anger

"he is not my son, he never was and never will be " he said, as he kick him again, Sebastian was on the floor half dead.

"You raise him since he was a boy don't you? Do have any feelings or love for him, you yourself said you take him in as your own, how can you treat him like that what's wrong with you" I said, I was completely scared to talk to him like that because I know to myself he can kill me right here right now.

"how dare you speak to me like that" he shouted, as he pointed the gun to my head.

Is this it for me this is how I die, I haven't even done anything with my life yet and this is how it's gonna end, but know I must not give up.

"go ahead do it, kill me you fucking Jackass" i scream at him with anger.

"Yasmin no" Sebastian said worried

his father laughed at me

"this bitch really is feisty" he growled with a devilish smirk on his face

"anyways let me just get to the point why I'm really here," he said.



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