6. The Choices

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"I'm not exactly here to kill you, even though I should but I have business I want to do with you two" he said with a smirk on his face

"what do you want now?" Sebastian asked like he was annoyed

"Well the Russians think I have two sons and I need Leonardo to be married because if not so I can't get my drugs and other supplies from them and they will kill Leonardo because he is accuse of sleeping with his wife".

"what!" that came out of my mouth unexpected, that was shocking to hear I can't believe this.

"which I kinda think is true because he did went with her , wait you actually think your the only one in his life" the don said and started to laugh at me.

"enough with that, what do you want with us ?" Sebastian ask angrily.

"get married" he said

"what fuck no " Sebastian grunted

" will you die and this whore will die too, and Love " he came closer to me.

"I know you have a sweet little cousin in new York with your aunt" he said with a stupid fucking smirk on his face

I look at him in shock " you stay away from my family" I shouted at him.

he laughed " I'm just one call away and they will be dead"

" please don't, I beg you, leave my family out of this please" I said hoping he change his mind

"agree on the marriage then, I can't lose my only son Leonardo he is already getting married so he will not be accused of such things and he is marrying Maya, if they find out he was engaged to an Hernandez they will never accuse my son, Maya is big in the mafia her father is the American Don Leonardo would be safe, Sebastian need to also get married because of the other arrangements I have with the Germans , I need someone I trust to do my business there in Germany which is Sebastian I know I hate you but you are trustworthy and good when it comes to making money and trades so you have to do business there with my new company I have, in order to do that you have to be a married man will not really its just this pretty princess knows too much already i can kill her but Leonardo would hate me, and i don't want that so" he leaned back on the chair, folding his hands.

"I will keep her but in your care, Leonardo wouldn't be mad because he knows you love him too much so you would protect her with your life and keep her in line but if she refuses to stay calm i will kill her without caring how my son feels" he said in a very hard tone.

"please i wouldn't tell anyone i promise just please i don't wanna be in this family i " , i look over to Sebastian he was very angry . "i can't marry him please just let me go"

"I can't princess" he said with no expression on his face.

"you are an ass, just let her go, and what do you really think Leonardo would forgive you for letting the woman he loves marry his brother?" Sebastian grunted

"i don't care what is thinks, he should be lucky i didn't kill her"

I look at Sebastian with tears to my eyes, "please i can't do this" i muttered

"so you wanna die then or do you want me to make you suffer by killing your family?" he stated with a smirk on his face.

"please i...." I started to cry begging him to just let me go.

"fine I agree" Sebastian shouted at him

His father then look at me, with a stupid smile in his face

i look at Sebastian with my watery eyes. Did he just agree, i can see it in Sebastian's face. He only accepts this because he knows who his father really is. It didn't matter if i beg or cry this man didn't care he was a heartless bastard. Sebastian noticed me staring and he looked at me with his dark brown eyes tilting his head .

"i.. agree" i said as tears dropped from my eyes.

"good everything is set then, by tomorrow I will give you the marriage papers to sign to state you are married, Sebastian I will send a doctor to look after your injuries, and if you two mess up my company I will kill you both" his tone was cold as he walked out the door with the other men.

I look over to Sebastian who was literally half dead and I went over to help him up.

"Come on let me help you up" I said to him. He gave me his hands and I try pulling him up, he was so heavy I nearly fell down with him, but I managed. I carried him to the coach and put him to lay down, I then proceeded to check his injuries which was all bleeding and the stitches were open.

"the doctor will be here soon" he said

"he better come quick because I don't know if you can go on like this" I said.

"You are hurt" he said and touched my lips with his thumb.

"what, oh yeah I forgot"

I completely forget when that bitch slapped me. My lips busted and my face was all black and blue, because his hands were very heavy and his hand was printed on my cheeks.

"You should get that cleaned up, let me be, I will be fine " he muttered in a soft voice.

I went to go clean up the blood and put some ointment on my lips, I then went back to Sebastian who was still laying on the couch lifeless.

"so we are gonna get married " he spoke as his voice shakes, because of the pain

"Yes, because of your stupid father, how can you still work for him?"

"I didn't had a choice if I didn't agree on marrying you we all will be dead so as your damn family"

it was true if we didn't accept we would have gotten killed, but the thought of being with Sebastian was horrible, he is not a husband type I don't want to be his wife I don't want none of this but I don't really have a choice here.

"I didn't had a choice either in this, I don't want to marry you I just wanna get out of this" i blurred out

"what and you think I wanted to marry you, the only reason I accepted it was to save you and your damn family lives because I know the bastard when he says he's gonna kill you he will do it " Sebastian replied in a harsh tone.

" you thin....." i was about to go off on him but,

*the doorbell rang*

"That must be the doctor your step father sent" I muttered as I walked over to the door to open it.

"good day miss,I was sent to look after Sebastian, my name is Dr James," he introduced himself.

"Hello I'm Yasmin, please do come in" I said with a smile, he was actually nice and not like the rest of the bastards that came. I guess it's because he is a doctor I don't know.

"Mr Martinez I see you got into some problems again " he said and started to laugh

"fuck off " Sebastian growled with annoyed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to piss you off," James said.

"can you just look after this shit and stop with your stupidness" Sebastian said

"ok ok calm down Mr Martinez" the doctor said and proceeded to help him.



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