18. Kiss me

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2 days later

I'm sitting here on the kitchen counter eating ice cream. Since I have been here things been quiet,

Sebastian didn't really got into any problems and it's seem like nothing happened which is weird, I got so accustomed of the killing and fighting I just feel weird now, the only problem is being here in that bitch house, I know she is up to something, I thought to myself. I Took another spoon of my vanilla ice cream.

"Hey" Sebastian said walking into the kitchen. Shirtless, with Grey sweatpants, my gaze automatically go to his dick print. "Wow" I mumble to myself, taking another spoon of ice cream trying to look away.

"Eyes up here love" he smirked, pointing at his face. I quickly move my gaze to his face, acting like I didn't see shit

"What I wasn't looking at anything" I said, I am so dumb why would I even mention that, wow just great Yasmin.

He chuckle, moving over to the fridge taken out a bottle of water, I just admire his perfect body, I bite down on my lower lip just staring at him fuck he's so hot Sebastian opened the bottle cover and drink the water, woww him drinking water is even hotter. He noticed me staring and I quickly try to avoid looking at him. He then move toward me, I jumped down the countertop trying to avoid him from coming closer to me, but before I knew it he grabbed my hands and pulled me into his chest, my face slammed into his hard chest, "Sebastian what's wrong with you" I yell

"Oh what's wrong with me, what's wrong with you, you are being a creep " he said

"Creep the only creep here is you"

"Your the one looking at my dick"

"What!!, I was not looking at your dick" I yell, I lie I was looking at his dick, his body, his lips, his eyes bro just everything.

"Now you are imagining it" he muttered with a smirk

"No" I said, denying it. I try to escape his hold fighting for him to let go of me but Sebastian grabbed my hips lifting me up to the counter, he then parted my legs for him to go between. "If you wanted it you just had to ask Angel" he whisper in my ears, I could have felt him breathing down my neck. "I....." I stutter trying to keep myself together before I lose myself to this man.

He capped my cheeks with his big hands, then he place his thumb on my lips just rubbing it softly, he licked his lips as he gaze just staring into my eyes moving down to my lips his eyes darken, that's the look he give me that night in Germany, if that phone didn't ring God knows what would have happen, I wanted him so bad, he wanted me too. At this point I didn't care about Leonardo, Maya I wanted my husband he all that matters.

"Kiss me" I whisper ,He just stare at me with his dark eyes. You know that look when someone look into

Your eyes and you can feel them staring into your soul and the whole world goes quiet.

Then all of a sudden something switched in him and he let go of me, moving away from me, he didn't say anything he just left leaving me there clueless.

Later that day I'm in bed thinking about that same incident, did I do something wrong, am I not good enough, of course I'm not good enough I'm not Maya I'm not a fucking model, im not rich I don't have power, I'm not a fucking princess I am not her, he only loves her he will only want her. I never thought I would have fallen for Sebastian but somehow I did, but.... tears dropped from my eyes, I'm not what he really wants I'm just a burden to him.

I take my pillow pushing it down to my face to stop my thoughts, this is what happens when you are dumb.

You get your feelings hurt.



"Kiss me" she whispers, that was surprising, I thought she would have kick me in the balls but she wanted me, my thumb brushed against her lips, her eyes were so innocent she was just craving me, her lips were begging to be kissed. Fuck Yasmin what are doing to me, she's falling for me, I think I wanted her too. But then I remember what I said to Ava about my plans of getting Yasmin out safely. In order to do that I can't have her, I can't get attached to her, they can't be no us. I have to let her go when I released her back there I could see it in her face she was confuse but hurt, fuck it's pains me to see her like that but I need to protect her, I walked away from her without saying a word, my heart pounds in my chest. You are an asshole Sebastian, let's just hope I don't regret this.

I take another sip of some whiskey,

I have caused her some much problems, I can't allow anymore to come, but fuck how I want her I sighted . How pretty she would look on her knees, just imagining how she would moan my name, her lips how sweet she tasted. Leonardo had all of that and he ruin it he had a good woman and now she's mine but I can't have her they way I want too and its makes me so angry, my grip tightens around the glass just thinking about it, my brother and Maya ruin everything but then again if he didn't do that I wouldn't have knew Yasmin like that, but maybe she would have got a good life.

"Sebastian, someone is at the door for you" Ava said walking into my room.

"What", how did anybody know we're here? I haven't told anyone about this place, unless Maya did or this is a trap.

"Ava go upstairs to Yasmin and keep her there until I say it ok to come out, you hear me" I said harshly.

"Yes of course" she said leaving quickly to go upstairs.

I proceeded to go meet whoever it may be, I open up the front door where I found my men.

"Boss there is someone at the gates saying they need to speak to you, should we let him in?"

"Yes " I said, alerting them to open the gates. Let's see who that may be, I said as I hid my pistol behind my back.


Hello my loves so this chapter is a little short I am kinda getting lazy these days so please bare with me

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Hello my loves so this chapter is a little short I am kinda getting lazy these days so please bare with me.

Please continue to read my book, I'm trying :)

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