25. Sorrows

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Later that day

"Yasmin can you come downstairs" Ava said

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, closing my books, after I spending half of my morning watching Friends, I decided to start reading some novels that I found on the on the shelf in my room. I'm actually half way into it. It's a novel named "Birthday girl" by Penelope Douglas,

Its actually a wonderful book I am enjoying it, I always like reading romance novels its my favorite especially when I was younger I was a book addict now not so much.

"Umm someone came to see you" she said uncertain her face wasn't Pleasant she was serious.

"Sebastian!" I shouted getting up from my bed rushing towards Ava, "is it Sebastian? did he come or did something happen? Is he hurt?" I asked but she just look at me with no facial expression. "Ava"

"Just come downstairs" she said calmly, as she walked away. I follow behind her heading downstairs as I turned to the living room I saw two men dress with black suits they were very tall and muscular, as I approached them closer I saw Maya siting on the couch, she was all dressed up with a white dress suit with her short black hair loosed down, her make up was on point.

She notice me and got up from her seat with a smile on her face.

"Yasmin " she said in joy.

I lifted my eyebrows just staring at her, I'm already piss. "What do you want?" I asked harshly.

"What no hug, or a kind welcome"

I didn't even answer her I just stood there, she looked at me then pointed to the couch for me to sit, "please take a seat I need to talk to you".

"About what ?" I asked in Annoyed

"Sebastian" she said still pointing at the couch.

When I heard his name my heart skipped a beat, I quickly sat on the couch, I might be a bitch to Maya But when it comes to my husband, I will do whatever.

"What happen?" I asked worried.

She sighed, took a seat next to me.

"Yasmin I don't know if you heard but umm Sebastian found Leonardo and....." she muttered and as she talked her voice was shaking, "the building explored and Sebastian and Leonardo both die" she downed her head in sorrows.

"Die?" I mumble as I search for words or even something to say I just can't believe it.

"Yess Yasmin they die, Mr Changretta told me he was here, Sebastian made sure his daughter was rescued and he stayed in the building with Leonardo".

"I don't believe this, Sebastian can't die Maya you know that you know how strong he is he wouldn't allow himself to die that stupidly" I shouted at this point I was just angry he promised he would come back and now what he got himself kill, "I refused to believe he is dead" my tone was cold.

"I found it hard to believe too Yasmin, but Sebastian loves his brother more then.... me or even you if he actually likes you or whatever but its true, I sent men over there to investigate the bodies or whatever has left of them, the result shows both of them"

Tear floor my eyes, all of a sudden I was numb, everything went silent, I was just there as my heart break into pieces bit by bit. "Nooo" my voice shaked.

"Mhmm" she hummed shaking her head as tears drop from her eyes.

"Maya I.... I umm.. need some time alone please Ima go.." I Stutter as I got up going quickly towards my room, I locked the door behind as I dropped on my knees, I broke down crying, "how" I mumble to myself, "he promised". I felt the tightening in my chests I can't even breathe at this point, i can't bare the pain, "I didn't even get to tell him I lov..... " I cried out.

"Yasmin" Ava said softly behind the door.

I quickly wiped my eyes getting up from the floor opening the door

"What's wrong" I muttered trying not to break down again.

"I'm so sorr...." Ava break down crying.

"Ava" I hugged her tightly patting her back, I can't imagine the pain she is feeling, Sebastian is like a son to her, I couldn't compare my pain to hers.

"Ava" I mumble, she pull away from my hug and tries to wipe her face.

"Yasmin he's gone, he....." she try to speak but her voice keeps breaking.

"I know I know" as tears drop from my eyes.

"We need to be strong, Sebastian wouldn't want us crying like this ok" I wiped my tears away trying to force myself to be brave.

"Yes your right" she said wiping her tears away.

"Come on sit down" I told her holding her arms carrying her to sit on the bed, hugging her trying to comfort her.

"Ava!!!" Maya scream downstairs for her.

Ava quickly jumped and wiped her tears, "Ava you don't have to go, let her scream" I rolled my eyes.

"I have to go see what she wants, it's my job" she said softly, with a smile.

"You work for me not her so if I tell you not to go.." Ava cut me off by saying " Yasmin I want to go see what that witch wants ok, I will be fine don't worry if she wants food I will just pee inside" she let out a fake smile and chuckled .

My eyes widen "oh damm" I am shocked Ava is very different, I'm even scared to piss her off before she does that to me. She got up heading downstairs to go help that witch. I turn to the window as I try to keep myself together.



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This chapter is short. ;(

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